It all depends. How far are you going in, how many days, what time of year, solo or a group, what are you hunting, etc. I certainly got along without a good hunting pack for a long time. If you connect it may be a couple extra trips depending on the above. Or you can get a cheap frame pack...
I use the 48oz HDPE "ultralite" Nalgene. The HDPE's are significantly less weight. Depending on the trip I supplement with Gatorade bottles. I also might have a titanium mug if I think I might need to heat water.
Another con, depending on your situation, of dcf that I observed in a friend's tent (not a SO) is that the it's relative pack size is larger - very noticeable in his.
I ate yellowfin sushi last night that was frozen over a year. It's better fresh and you may need to trim, but it stores ok. You might try smoking some or poaching for tuna salad. The canning idea might work as well.
You can get converters that usually work pretty well. I to would like to have a common usb-c cord so I only need on between camera, phone and bank. I'm new to these modern rechargeables. I got a bad taste with the old aa/aaa rechargeables years ago and never tried again (less light for fewer...
I'd find a clean used TC Hawkin or Renegade, or a used Lyman Great Plains. But I'm a traditional ML guy (I shoot a flint). Let us know what you end up with!
My concern with DD's, based on zero first hand knowledge just reading everything I can find, is perhaps too much prey drive and what is often referred to as sharpness. I spend a lot of time at my cabin and my field Goldens have free reign while I'm cutting wood or working on a project or...
I like lots of herbs on hand - both annuals and perennials. Thyme, basil, cilantro, parsley, loveage, mint, Sage, etc.
I really enjoy raising hardneck garlic. Our best "discovery" last year was komatsuna, a Japanese mustard. It way out produced our spinach both in output and production time...
I've got a Leopold 2-7vx1 with the parrelax turned down to 50 yards. It works great on my rugger 77/22. There are some good rimfire or shotgun scopes that will have a closer parrelax setting. Lots of others can be relatively easily changed as well (like mine), or you can get a scope with AO...
There certainly is plenty of history of bison being hunted with much more traditional set ups than yours. At the proper range and waiting for the right shot you should be fine. I might up the arrow weight and make the broadhead change you are contemplating. Might bring 2 or 3 of your...
No, have the 8 with the carbon pole. We've backcountry hunted pretty far in with 3 and the stove and it was very double weight wise. But 3 with stove with rifles, packs, all gear, wood, a couple stools, socks and long underwear hanging drying, was very full. With some organization...