22LR - scope?


Dec 19, 2020
Well I put money down yesterday on one of the Bergara bmr’s. It’s just to have fun with, probably chase some squirrels. I don’t want to sink a fortune into it but thought I’d see what you guys have had good experiences with?

I have a 6x swfa on my savage and a fx6 with target turret on my cz. Both allow me to be in correction beyond 300.
For something on the cheaper end, I've had good luck with the Bushnell Rimfire optics 3.5-10x36 AO. CDNN usuzlly has them for about $70 TYD.
I have a 6x swfa on my savage and a fx6 with target turret on my cz. Both allow me to be in correction beyond 300.
I was leaning towards looking for one of those 6’s but they’ve gotten hard to find and not cheap when you do.
I've got a Leopold 2-7vx1 with the parrelax turned down to 50 yards. It works great on my rugger 77/22. There are some good rimfire or shotgun scopes that will have a closer parrelax setting. Lots of others can be relatively easily changed as well (like mine), or you can get a scope with AO. Good luck!
I like putting red dots on my 22lr. Using a six o’clock hold gives very impressive accuracy results. I use a 12 o’clock hold for hundred yards to compensate for drop
I’ve been looking for a scope for an old Marlin 60, currently I’m leaving towards the 3-9 Burris Droptine.
Just recently I bought a rimfire Vortex Diamondback and a Burris Droptine. Value wise the Burris is the better buy. Even if the cost was the same I'd still take the Burris. Clarity and quality was comparable and decent for a rimfire. Field of view might be better on the Vortex but overall I prefer the Burris.
Athlon has some great options in their Talos & Neos series
I saw that they have a rimfire version in the Neos and at a great price point. How would that compare to the rimfire Leupold freedoms? I know regular scopes will work fine, I was assuming the rimfires would have the parallax adjusted for the closer shots?
The Leupold is a step above the Neos, but for the price the Neos is impossible to beat

I know it will be super objective but do you feel like the Neo would be too top heavy compared to the Burris Droptine on something like a 5# Model 60? The 17oz weight on the Neo jumped out at me.
Depends a bit on what kind of shooting you want to do. For a hunting rig I'd look at a lightweight 2-7, 3-9, 2-10, 2-12, etc.
I've got a Vortex Diamondback Tactical 4-16 on my CZ 455 Varmint. It's FFP and has a christmas-tree mildot reticle. Fun for shooting small targets at long (for 22lr) distance. CA correction is a bit lacking but otherwise I think it's very good for the money.
I've been eyeing a new Rimfire scope too. Normally I swap my NF NXS 2.5-10x44 from the hunting rifle to my .22lr at the end of hunting season since I'm super familiar with the scope, but then I saw this the other day and thought it'd be a stellar rimfire scope as well as a close range big game scope. I'm a dial and shoot guy when it comes to distance, so I like the elevation feature. https://cameralandny.com/shop/tags/...479c-0139-72af-00163ecd2826?variation=2910692
I put a Nikon Buckmaster 4X on my son's CZ Scout after he learned to shoot irons.
That little scope is clear, bright, and just the right size and weight for a 22lr.
Love that thing.
I have a swfa 10x on one and an Athlon Ares on another, both work great especially for long range plinking.