Seek Outside Silex is the DCF worth it?


May 23, 2018
So like the title says is the DCF version worth it? I’m looking to upgrade from a mountainsmith mountain shelter lt. The mountainsmith in its stuff sack with 12 groundhogs weighs in around 36-37oz. The standard silex in stuff sack with stakes weighs 21oz per their website. Seems like the canopy and cordage on the standard silex is 17oz and the canopy in dcf is 12oz minus cordage? I guess I’m looking for some input from guys that have ran both is the dcf worth the guessing 5-6oz weight savings with the extra $270ish cost or is the standard silex the way to go.
I used the silnylon Silex a handful of times last fall and am planning on using it again this year once the snow melts. I'd buy it in silnylon again. I think the weight saving on DCF really only matters with a larger shelter. The Silex disappears in my pack as is and I'd rather spend the extra money on something else.
I thought about that too how the dcf seems to have a tighter pitch. So right now I see it as dcf pro’s of 5oz lighter and tighter pitch. Con of no option for stove jack and $270 more than the silnylon. @wilbur007 did you have any problems with sag out of your silnylon one?
Another con, depending on your situation, of dcf that I observed in a friend's tent (not a SO) is that the it's relative pack size is larger - very noticeable in his.
If you decide to go the silnylon route I have one I’ll be listing here shortly. Set up once in backyard for a few minutes. With stove jack. I snagged a dcf one yesterday.

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I wanted the DCF originally but it was out of stock. Settled for the sil. Bought a DCF Cimarron and, weight aside, I’m a fan of the material. Sheds water well without sagging. I find it especially helpful if you hit freezing temps; frozen condensation does a number on silnylon and you lose a bunch of useable space. With the DCF I don’t run the liner either as I find the material deals with condensation so well. I’ve not had to patch it, but it’s regarded as easier to repair as you only need to slap on some DCF tape. DCF vs Sil is a hot button issue and you’ll find people with good reasons on either side. For me, dcf is what I prefer.

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Apart from weight I haven’t noticed a performance difference between m dcf tarps and tents and my silylon or nylon ones.

saving weight is generally a good thing if you can spare the coin. The bulk when packed thing is real if volume is a concern.

I don’t necessarily regret my dcf gear but there are easier and cheaper ways to save 5-6oz.
That’s sort of the deadend I’ve come to. They sent out that email talking about preordering a limited run and my inner “I want that” kicked in but my rationale side is going silnylon kit weighs 21oz and the dcf version weighs 16oz. So $270 for 5oz less. I’m having a hard time talking myself into it now. I’m leaning pretty hard toward the silnylon version. Suppose the next question is stovejack or no stovejack.
I thought about that too how the dcf seems to have a tighter pitch. So right now I see it as dcf pro’s of 5oz lighter and tighter pitch. Con of no option for stove jack and $270 more than the silnylon. @wilbur007 did you have any problems with sag out of your silnylon one?
Not a bit - I just raised the poles slightly when I woke up to pee in the middle of the night.

I was camped in a river valley at the start of October and the conditions were bad for silnylon sag. The Silex seemed to handle it better than the other mids I've used.
the only downside I have noticed about DCF aside from the price is that it doesn't pack down nearly as well and stuff easily in may pack .On the other hand I have a cimarron and even though there is more bulk.Its still so light that it doesn't throw me off balance no matter where I pack it
First time I set up the dcf with someone and they held it they said is this gonna keep us dry🤣