Favorite/best headlamp?

I have 2 Black Diamond Storm headlamps, but the Zebralight is the one that goes in my pack.

For lower cost and common batteries, the BDs are great.

For performance, from light output to usability, the Zebralight is better.
I just wanted to thank all those who considered these Sofirns. The company has been at it hard while keeping quality up and prices down... for now! I look forward to hearing back from those getting these lights here soon! The NEW US warehouse had been good at fast turn around.

BTW: I am not a rep for Sorfirn, just an LED light junky who sells these locally. I'm glad to pass along a good deal when I know and trust the seller.

On Batteries:

Most of these newer LED lights using the 18650 battery (and a few using the newer 21700 battery) are going to have excellent run times. Despite the quality of the LED (and driver that controls the light), they will all run WAY longer than the AA or AAA stuff. But better makes, tend to use quality "binned" ELDs (with correct kenvin ratings) and have better designed drivers (with WAY better components). The springs on better lights don't corrode, while being made of good conductive metals (vs. shiny chrome plated junk). Finally the build quality is "night and day" between the cheap stuff, and better makers-- with good QC programs in place.

Another note on these new batteries... they do NOT leak like alkaline ("alkileaks") will. I have a range finder that uses a set of AAA batteries. I had the AAA's in if for just three months and they leaked. Thankfully I was able to clean the acid which had not yet gotten into the electronics- phew!
If you use Ni-MH chemistry rechargeable AA/AAA they will not leak. An Eneloop will hold 80% of its charge after a year of storage. If you use lithium primaries they also will not leak.

Lithoums can explode, so get quality 18650 cells and if the light uses more than one cell, get protected cells. Cheap CR123s have been known to explode as well.

I agree on the quality brands. It is like comparing Vortex Vipers to Swarovski. If you are happy with the Vortex, great. But, they certainly are not on par with the Swaro.
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You can get converters that usually work pretty well. I to would like to have a common usb-c cord so I only need on between camera, phone and bank. I'm new to these modern rechargeables. I got a bad taste with the old aa/aaa rechargeables years ago and never tried again (less light for fewer hours it seemed at the time). How well do these batteries in say the Sofrins d25rl last compared to a similar lumen say 4aaa BD storm?
I have 2 Black Diamond Storm headlamps, but the Zebralight is the one that goes in my pack.

For lower cost and common batteries, the BDs are great.

For performance, from light output to usability, the Zebralight is better.
I'm of the exact same perspective...2 BD Storm headlamps for many years. Bought a Zebralight last year. Used it on a 10-day float and a 14-day moose hunt...I'm sold on it!
Hopefully I'm there too. I've used Storms for the last decade but just bought a Fenix today and I'm hoping it knocks my socks off.
I've switched out all my headlamps over the past couple of years to get more rechargeable and haven't used them enough to have a favorite yet. I have a couple Nitecore and got a new Fenix. A Nitecore NU 32 will probably be my primary for elk and deer this year. Another Nitecore is specifically for keeping in my small game vest and I just got a Fenix HM50R to try.
I’ve not been super happy with my zebra light. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Interesting. It is probably a case where we value different things. But I'm curious as to the things you do not like about it? Sorry if you already posted it and I missed it.
Interesting. It is probably a case where we value different things. But I'm curious as to the things you do not like about it? Sorry if you already posted it and I missed it.
I can't speak for him but I'll share my thoughts anyway. I love my Zebralight, but it took some reading and use to get accustomed to the programming. While I'd like to get my father a quality headlamp, I know he'd absolutely hate the Zebra because he'll never take the time to learn how to use it. He's better off with something that just cycles through the settings with each button press. Everyone has different preferences just like some people prefer Android and others prefer Apple. If you aren't the type of person who is going to spend a bit of time to learn how to use the Zebra it's probably not the best option for you as I do feel the programming takes more time to get used to. Some people just want quick and easy. I personally like how I can get to any setting I want very quickly on the Zebra rather than cycling through everything, but it's a tradeoff in that it's not as immediately intuitive to figure out.

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I ordered 2 of the Sofirn small handheld lights using 14500 rechargeable batteries or AA. Won't be C compatible but they fit ou needs at the moment.
Damn this place and damn these threads! I’m a sucker for headlamps. Always buying packs from Costco when they’re around for a good deal. So seeing the sofirns at such a good deal I couldn’t resist. I’ve got headlamps stuffed in all sorts of places for convenience. Fishing boxes, all the vehicles, nightstands, junk drawers all the kids have them. I’ve got issues! If I’m using them on a hunt it’s always black diamond. I trust them more than all the discount ones I have around. Interested to see how these fare.
Has anyone tried any of the olight head lamps? I have the S2RII baton hand held by them that I love and use for work/edc and has put up to a lot of daily abuse the last 2 years. I will probably be trying one of their head lamps this year.