If you had $600 what muzzleloader would you get?


Dec 12, 2021
Just looking for reliable/constant options, ill be hunting deer and elk with it

Traditions tracker. Good for ID. and WA. 200.00 ,spend the rest of yer money on your trip.
Id spend a couple hundred extra and get a woodman arms patriot.. Light weight and handles like a dream with a crossbolt safety. I love mine
I’d get another 45-70 break action, have a breechplug installed, and have another smokeless muzzleloader.
After having a wolf, strikerfire and hawken, I prefer to have a hammer.

Ignition systems are all about the same brand to brand on the inlines.

I'd find a deal on one and have the other half ready for sighting system and lots of bullets to test and develop loads.
If you're not in a hurry, $600 would get you an excellent used setup with money left over. For whatever reason, muzzleloaders don't hold their value anything like modern firearms. They're also much less of a precision instrument than a rifle, so you even if you don't know too much about muzzleloaders it's pretty easy to see if the thing has been taken care of. Finally, there's so many little knick knacks associated with muzzle loading that you have to budget a few hundred for additional odds and ends when buying new. Those odds and ends hold their value very poorly, so there's some screaming deals when people decide to get out of muzzleloading entirely. Which happens pretty frequently. Muzzleloaders can be frustrating in the field, and a lot of guys learn after a season that they don't have the patience for it.

I spent about $250 on Armslist and got a Knight Bighorn with all of the cleaning and maintenance doodads, 3 tubs of Triple 7, and enough primers to keep me going for years.
Easy, Thompson center impact. Same barrel as higher end models, light weight, excellent trigger and leaves extra money in your pocket for accessories and powder. Absolute tack driver at 100 yards. Sub moa all day with a scope.
Easy, Thompson center impact. Same barrel as higher end models, light weight, excellent trigger and leaves extra money in your pocket for accessories and powder. Absolute tack driver at 100 yards. Sub moa all day with a scope.
And no longer made. Plus S&W no longer wants anything to do with making/selling muzzleloaders. So what happens if you need support after the sale, assuming you can still find one?
CVA has a "Colorado model" MRX in 50cal with a peep sight for just under $540. Its plain jane black/stainless. Its based on the old MR/PR which would actually be ok if you could find one.

The only real issue with the 50cal MRX/LRX line is the ramrod is for loading ONLY. Its not made for swabbing but if you are using BH209 then swabbing is not an issue. The older MR/PR versions had a typical ramrod but no open sights. So that would leave out Colorado ML hunting. Scopes are not allowed.
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And no longer made. Plus S&W no longer wants anything to do with making/selling muzzleloaders. So what happens if you need support after the sale, assuming you can still find one?
Man, that is a shame, one of my favorite rifles price to performance standpoint. Disappointing. Oh well, I think I paid less than $130 for mine with rebates and have had it many years.