Seek Outside 2022 Pack Updates

Will the Merlin be made in these new fabrics?

ETA on the new pockets to replace the Saker style pocket?

Asymmetric pocket layout is excellent, both custom packs that I've ordered had it, and it noticeably increased the functionality of my packs. I'll be waiting for the custom orders to open up so I can order it with a large enclosed pocket on the left and water bottle on the right.

It may be worth making a note on the site that Custom Orders are only temporarily off-line. I was pretty disappointed this AM when I checked and the option wasn't there. Glad I double checked here, but shouldn't need to come here for that info.

Thanks for making great packs!
Merlin is in spectra. The Merlin is a fairly technical sew, which makes it hard to do with a stiff fabric.

I don't have an ETA on the pockets...lots going on. I do have some pretty dialed samples that look good.
We're tightening up the breakaway packbag connection a bit but otherwise the compression is the same. The 4 way forward pull is sticking around.
Is that to say that these bags (assuming they will eventually be sold separate from the frame) will fit on an existing integrated frame? I.e., will I be able to get a custom Gila bag in this new fabric that will fit on my current frame?
Is that to say that these bags (assuming they will eventually be sold separate from the frame) will fit on an existing integrated frame? I.e., will I be able to get a custom Gila bag in this new fabric that will fit on my current frame?

Pack bags only are already up on the site in the new fabrics. They’re backward compatible, integrated to integrated and breakaway to breakaway.

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I always kick myself for not checking the packs out more at the couple shows I went to that you guys were at. I remember the frame being really comfortable and thinking it would be great as just a load hauler for me.
Wow, this is a big change and I like the direction you're moving. I remember being very skeptical about the gatekeepers. I was so wrong about that as they are light years ahead of buckles. Kudos, your vision has been three steps ahead of the curve every step along the way.
Hope you guys are having a great time at Western Hunt Expo.
Why is the UltraPE in such a dark color? Seems like it would make the pack significantly hotter on warm and sunny days, even more so than the olive XPac. A consideration with what you carry, like food choices, and transferring more heat to your back from the bag through the black Revo. I really like the material, and although that charcoal (I think the manufacturer actually calls it black) looks good, that color (or at least tone or shade) doesn't seem to be the best choice functionally.
Also, when are we going to see the bag side of the Revo in a waterproof material?

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I'm excited. I had planned on ordering a custom integrated lanner but I think I'll get the Kenai. I assume it has an internal load shelf?

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Is it fair to say the UltraPE 40 is roughly the same weight as the X-21?

It’s actually lighter. Having said that, the weight in a pack isn’t in the packbag fabric, so the difference in final pack weight may only be 2-5 oz depending on the pack. BUT, to get lighter while maintaining waterproof rating and gaining on tear and abrasion is astounding. This is the first fabric to really excite me in the last 10 years.

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I hope the stuff looks better in person - sorry, but now the packs all look like something Gossamer Gear would sell, not hunting packs.

I think the aftermarket value of the green x-pac pack bags just shot up. Wish I’d bought an extra when I had the chance.
Gossamer gear packs fall apart with anything over about 30lbs in them. Pretty poor comparison. If you mean they both now make packs that are grey in color you may be onto something. But, that's about all they have in common.

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Side view.

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Is there any sort of rating for puncture strength compared to abrasion? I have a Goshawk 4800 in X-21 and have noticed more and more holes that I've put into it. I guess I do a lot of sitting down/lying down glassing where I'm leaning against my pack and I think that's really beaten it up. I'd assume all that damage would be considered abrasion too but it got my mind wandering about fabric testing.

The packs look great and I will likely get another Goshawk when I manage to kill my current one.
It’s a strange discussion, but you can punch a sharpened tent stake through most any fabric. The key is how hard is it to tear once you do, and how much of the fabric do you have left to repair from?

Heavy rock abrasion wears the fabric thin so there’s not much left to repair.

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Any plans to add upgrades or options to replace the gate keepers?

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I hope the stuff looks better in person - sorry, but now the packs all look like something Gossamer Gear would sell, not hunting packs.

I think the aftermarket value of the green x-pac pack bags just shot up. Wish I’d bought an extra when I had the chance.
If you are building ultralight hunting packs, it makes sense they would start to look similar to actual UL packs.

Use the weight savings for a MC pack cover, and get an alpine MC pack cover for the snow. More versatility and will protect the pack and contents strapped to the outside better anyway.
A few comments for comments:

1. Gatekeepers, we plan to keep, the majority of people really love the adaptability provided. If you want buckles, you can literally convert it all to buckles in about 30 minutes, by buying gatekeepers, and the 3/4 buckle .. then you can use the buckles and still move compression straps if desired. Personally, I move compression straps around a LOT but rarely use buckles.

2. Yes they are at the hunting EXPO as are wolf colored packs

3. Seems like a more fair Gray comparison would be SG rather than Gossamer Gear ? The Wolf ..looks like Foliage in person really. The black really looks charcoal in person. The charcoal is sharp as well.

4. Puncture vs Abrasion .. some very sharp granite areas can puncture fabrics .. .. but for the most part abrasion is where it is at for an extremely high percentage of use cases .

5. No rain cover is needed .. for the most part , a couple areas can hold a small amount of water .. but it is so small . I have never seam sealed my own pack .. and it has been in pretty sustained rain and I've never used a rain cover

6. Ultra packs, pretty similar to X21 in weight but the suspension saved some weight with the SpectraGridHT vs Cordura. More importantly it also absorbs no water or very close to no water

7. Food ... in black packs ..well put it in a gray pocket of the spectra grid ? If I had a chocolate bar or M and M that is what I would do.

8. Saker / Brooks add on pockets look good and a couple are at show .. though I loaned them out they should be back at booth tomorrow.

9.Looks of Charcoal or Ultra ? We realize its probably not for everyone .. though our orders today would say Ultra is for EVERYONE .. BUT ..different strokes for different folks. Color options with UHMWPE fabric get very limited. We did get a couple samples of a more gray blend .. which is really a blend of white and black fibers ... but we really preferred the charcoal . If the charcoal is not your jam so to speak .. then wolf looks pretty much like foliage ..if neither are your jam ..sorry. We strive to build great packs more than we strive for being a fashion brand

10 . Wolf is pretty darn cool fabric as well just in case anyone is interested.