Zero turns

I also have a Husqvarna MZ6128 I think it is. High end homeowner/residential model. It is a good mower but nowhere near the ride quality or balanced as my Scag Cheetah 2. The Scag scalps less and is just more refined on the controls so that’s another benefit.

Honestly though I would try my best to not get roped into mowing for the
Mother in law:)

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Adding to my previous post: Every comment about a full suspension seat is dead on. My 25 year old Scag did not have the suspension and in those last few years it could be a rough ride. A stack with two layers of memory foam and a treestand pad did help.

Because the transport speed is exceptional there is a tendency to mow too fast on a zero and it can affect the cut especially when the grass is long or late in the season when grass and weeds get tough. Mowing too fast will also make for a bumpier ride and uneven cut.
Simplicity, I believe is a Ferris w/out the suspension. People I trust have Simplicity and like them. I run a Ferris as I had the $ and have a bad back. If you can find a Ferris on your budget the ride is unbelievable.
I was jumping in to extoll the virtues of my Hustler zero-turn but I see a couple of other guys beat me to it. I have around 3 acres I mow and the thing has been rock solid for 7-8 years now.
A stander is probably best....something you can put the platform up and walk behind also....ymmv.

I use a Grandstand 52".
100% not the way to go if he is cutting anywhere from 10-20 acres. Of course that depends a lot on terrain but thinking more open then not it would take 1/2 the time on a good fast zero turn. I spent 5 or 6 summers 10hrs a day mowing on Xmark zero turns, Walkers (brand), and Toro 48" walk behinds with Jungle Wheels. The walk behinds with jungle wheels had their application but it definitely wasn't for large acres or comfort. The Xmarks with 60"+ decks were used for all the large and open areas. Walkers were used the majority of the time for front yards and other mowing in duplex developments and smaller to mid size areas. The walk behinds with wheels were used the least and used on some steeper small areas because you could either ride on the wheels or creep walking behind it and didn't risk having to ride a machine in those situations.

10-20 acres...100% a 60" deck...largest horsepower zero turn. crank it to rabbit speed and don't let off.
I have had a dozen flavors over the years and also sell hydrostatic transmissions to some mower manufacturers for a living. At that budget level look hard at the Cub Cadet Ultima units with a STEERING WHEEL. Incredibly ingenious system nobody else has accomplished with their patent. They are a ZTR but phased all the pump stroking with a wheel. No wheel scrubbing a spin-out issues like with levers.
Put a spinner ball on wheel and it is fabulous. I have been running them for years now at my lake property with 100 trees to go around. They only thing close is the Walker but spendy.
People who mow all day use stand on mowers.
^have you ever used one?

Many times and if you have any hills or go out on wet grass, you won't be happy with one. For flat, dry mowing they are fine but if you have any back issues, they will be pronounced after a mowing.
I have had a dozen flavors over the years and also sell hydrostatic transmissions to some mower manufacturers for a living. At that budget level look hard at the Cub Cadet Ultima units with a STEERING WHEEL. Incredibly ingenious system nobody else has accomplished with their patent. They are a ZTR but phased all the pump stroking with a wheel. No wheel scrubbing a spin-out issues like with levers.
Put a spinner ball on wheel and it is fabulous. I have been running them for years now at my lake property with 100 trees to go around. They only thing close is the Walker but spendy.

My mother in law has one of those and loves it. She does all of her own mowing and weed-eating. Unfortunately my wife did not inherit that gene.

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The biggest issue with box store zeroturns is that the hydraulics are not serviceable. They may have commercial Hondas, Kawis, or Kohlers, and may have welded decks instead of stamped decks, but the most important part of them is disposable.
People who mow all day use stand on mowers.
^have you ever used one?
people who mow many small properties!
Is it all lawn? If not, I’d buy a legit tractor and pull it. They can all pay for the investment.

Problem with the box store “fabricated deck, commercial engines” are that the hydraulic systems are complete crap. They’re sealed off and not serviceable. And they’re slow. The decks and frames are usually 18 gauge and flimsy. The engines are actually the same as the commercial brands though.
it is pretty basic...standing is way better for your body than sitting down. Simple. I have no trouble mowing 5 acres+ in one shot on a stander...@68 yoa.
Touché. I am humbled… I would fight a grizzly bear with you!
ride quality
this right here is huge. I help mow occasionaly where I work (prison) and they had some commercial Toro's, when i got off those things i felt like someone had beat me with a baseball bat.

My badboy rides smooth, and work also had a Husqvarna that wouldnt beat you up either, but those toro's man, felt like mike tyson had been kidney punching me all day long
Id love to have that area of grass to mow and take care of, but when I'm retired.

Make sure you get a stripping kit for the mower too, make that grass pop.
People who mow all day use stand on mowers.
^have you ever used one?
SOME people who mow all day use stand on mowers. OR apparently 10hrs a day isn't "all day. And yes I have used one. And neither company I worked for used them and neither do two other companies I know the owners of. These are not 1 crew companies either. Each has 3-4 crews out.

I can tell you around here for large open areas the vast majority use ride on machines. It is out of the norm for standup machines.
SOME people who mow all day use stand on mowers. OR apparently 10hrs a day isn't "all day. And yes I have used one. And neither company I worked for used them and neither do two other companies I know the owners of. These are not 1 crew companies either. Each has 3-4 crews out.

I can tell you around here for large open areas the vast majority use ride on machines. It is out of the norm for standup machines.
who said I was normal?


For big open areas a rider may be more normal but it is hard on your body.
Watched a video on the new Bad Boy, and I think its called the Rogue. Very spendy at around $12k, but amazing machine. Front suspension dampers. rear independent patented suspension, and tall back suspension seat that you simply set to your weight. Plus up to 71" deck and 13mph if you want to mow in a hurry.