Zeiss SFL 8x40 vs 8x30


Jan 13, 2025
Can anyone who has compared these side by side advise on this?
8x30 @ 16oz 8x40 @ 22oz
I’ve heard regarding similar comparison of swaros NL/EL options that weight concious folks maybe happy with the smaller objective and only be giving up on performance right at the first/last minutes of light and the smaller objectives are toe to toe the rest of the day.
But are we talking the last 5-10min or 30-45min?
Specs list 6ft greater FOV on the 30mm which is negligible.
These will be for chest binos on archery hunts and paired with a larger tripod bino for extended glassing and picking apart country.
I’m may be willing to take 6ozs of glass into the backcountry for 30 min of low light performance but if the difference is only noticable 5-15min maybe I’d go light on my chest and free up weight for the companion tripod binos and MAYBE even tote a compact spotter…
hopefully some 14x52NL’s will come into my life one day.
Anybody speak to this issue overall or these specific binos?
To put it simply, the 40mm will exceed the performance of the 30mm whenever your pupil dilates larger than 3.75mm.
Certainly. However I’ve never measured my pupils and I don’t have any clue at what light intensity that occurs…
No one will be able to provide an adequate answer to your question. This varies by individual and depends on genetics, age, etc.
Not tried the 40 mm objective SFLs but I have the 8x30 version of same. I love it. I’ll never look at compact binos the same way?
Physics being what it is, I can only imagine the 8x40 will be even better-with everything save the increased mass?