Zeiss goes woke???

I’ll go get my optics from Japan then? Same story if we’re going back in time. That’s where all the other good optics come from. The next option is China and we know what a good humans rights record they have.

Leupold is about the best we can do if we’re gonna have this conversation and most of my scopes are theirs, except for one Zeiss. Some USA assembled Maven would be another limited option.
us optics and nightforce if we are just talking assembled in America and both better options than leupold
just gonna leave adjustable cheekpieces here......

View attachment 379579

View attachment 379580

I garoooontee you the actually meant sliding buttstocks, not cheek pieces.

Which goes to show you how engaged they are in the shooting sports.

“Whaddya call that thingy on the back of the gun that moves?”

“Hmm…adjustable cheek piece? I dunno, I’m too busy organizing the cupcake party to look it up. It’s close enough.”
I garoooontee you the actually meant sliding buttstocks, not cheek pieces.

Which goes to show you how engaged they are in the shooting sports.

“Whaddya call that thingy on the back of the gun that moves?”

“Hmm…adjustable cheek piece? I dunno, I’m too busy organizing the cupcake party to look it up. It’s close enough.”

It's "the shoulder thing that goes up"
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Sounds like the took a play out of Kimber's play book. They haven't posted a hunting picture to their FB page in almost 10 years, and they won't. They have almost zero media relating to killing animals.
This seems to be a learning opportunity. I have seen the same screenshot circulating on several websites, but I can not find a second source.

Beware the media you consume. Is this information from a reliable source? Can it be independently verified? There are a lot of strong opinions based off of unsubstantiated information.
Nothing new. Especially lately. Social media is giving permission to a lot of people to behave the way they really want to behave.
Nothing new. Especially lately. Social media is giving permission to a lot of people to behave the way they really want to behave.
Yeah, it sucks if the screen shot is real, but sounds like people already made up their minds. I get there's some tongue in cheek responses here, too, but in many cases the damage is done.
I’ll stick with Nightforce, never had any issues, made in Idaho. I don’t care much for Zeiss scopes anyway, not a big deal. I disagree with the strategy that was posted and I’ll do my part to take a stand against anything I determine to be a threat in anyway to the way of life I value as a free American, even if it seems minor to others, too much has been lost in such a short period of time. I’m over it.
I'll probably get flamed like crazy but.....

We live in a world where one photo or social media post can be taken wildly out of context and can be used against you very effectively. Knowing that sport optics is just one small part of Zeiss' business, I'm not surprised that they want to keep a bit of a lid on what gets posted on their behalf.

I also think it's fair to point out that taking one post from a blog and boycotting a company is probably a little premature.

There, now cancel me.....
this one they did a good job in hiding the cheek piece, but forgot to have the guy shave- whoops!

Field Ethos is way more dangerous to the future of hunting than Zeiss trying to control what goes on their social media. It’s pretty obvious that the mission of Field Ethos is divisiveness and stirring up the snowflakes. Mission accomplished apparently.
How so. Telling the truth and being honest is bad