@SDHUNTER said above is true. It’s NOT a given. Low light doesn’t mean anything if the thing won’t survive washboard roads. I don’t care if I can see the surface of mars through the thing. If it isn’t durable and doesn’t steer bullet to target, it’s got no business on the back of a rifle.
A scope has one singular purpose: steer bullet to target. Until it does that perfectly, glass quality is irrelevant. If it fails to track or hold zero or be reliable, it doesn’t matter how good it is in low light or how good the glass is, because the scope failed at its ONE JOB.
All else equal, if 2 scopes both are equally as reliable and durable and function properly, I’ll take the one with better glass. But if one has meh glass but functions properly, and the other one has a sketchy reputation for durability but fantastic glass, I’ll take meh glass with rock solid internals every stinkin time.
I just re-read my post and realized it may come across slightly confrontational. It’s not meant to be, just trying to share objective views.