Youtube jockeys losing credibility

As long as the shooter is happy and it’s legal I could care less ive seen friends and family get more fired up shooting forks and does than I have been shooting some mature bucks. Who cares what other people shoot or film, I fast forward to the kill shots and don’t care how big or small they are. If I was local to elk areas and could scout and hunt as much as I do at home I’d probably hold out for mature elk like I do locally for deer but with 7-10 days a year I’m not picky. My first two years going I passed on spikes and a rag the first few days and felt like a total A-hole not coming home with meat in my coolers.
As an uninitiated elk hunter I am fascinated with this conversation. It is echoed in a broad spectrum of hunting/fishing endeavors. The "pure" experienced hunter who decries the contamination of his sport by a lowing of standards being tacitly endorsed in a public forum vs. advocates of personal choice. From the outside looking in I appreciate the insight (I think) I am gleaning from all resources, including the understanding that elk hunting can be extremely difficult, even for experienced hunters. As to six point vs other, I am wondering if any hunted species is more regulated than elk. Elk are gold to the states that have them. Will they willingly allow practices that endanger them?
As an uninitiated elk hunter I am fascinated with this conversation. It is echoed in a broad spectrum of hunting/fishing endeavors. The "pure" experienced hunter who decries the contamination of his sport by a lowing of standards being tacitly endorsed in a public forum vs. advocates of personal choice. From the outside looking in I appreciate the insight (I think) I am gleaning from all resources, including the understanding that elk hunting can be extremely difficult, even for experienced hunters. As to six point vs other, I am wondering if any hunted species is more regulated than elk. Elk are gold to the states that have them. Will they willingly allow practices that endanger them?

Well they literally set wolves loose on the landscape and are planning to do it again. So, yes.
As to Cory's elk , I thought it was more about a frontal shot that presented it self. And not the size of the elk. But that's just my opinion
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Not going to use specific names/brands but I'm sure you can figure them out. I've been of staunch opinion on here for a while, that the running around the woods non-stop blowing on your bugle and or cow calls all day long is not the model for consistent success on mature elk. If you guys have been "following along" on all the youtube elk stars this year you'll see what I mean. Look at all the immature bulls these guys are killing in an effort to just get a kill shot for video. Dude... I'm not shooting a 4-5 point bull on the last day of my hunt when I have no elk in the freezer! Yet, these guys that are trying to sell you shit are so desperate to get that kill shot they shoot a 2-3 year old bull. Seriously? If we were talking about mule deer you guys would be watching these guys shoot forky bucks! Come on man, if you're trying to market videos as a professional elk hunter then act like one. Mature 6 point bulls or eat your tag. Or don't pretend you know how to elk hunt.
you are obviously watching with your opinions..... if you don't like it, don't watch it. some guys who are known names have never claimed to be giant killers..... i don't know what to tell you.

as for the techniques some of those guys use, if that's the way they enjoy hunting, more power to them. i'm not going to bugle 300 times a day myself no matter what, and i'm not going to get one dimensional, but if that's how they want to hunt elk, then go get em'!

i would personally rather watch a 3.5yr old bull killed on public land than a 340" bull on a primos video on some exclusive property. i'm sure many of these known youtube personalities could gain access to some epic private ground to sell their goods, but instead they choose to hunt public ground and share that..... to me, there is something to be said for that.

it is pretty easy to armchair QB watching a video though.

my advice is just don't watch it, if you do, you are supporting them and what they do.
The point was about what the youtube culture has done.
it's the whole social media culture, it has changed the whole landscape, which is unfortunate, but it is what it is and will never change. there are free platforms these days and people will use them to try to make a name.

the videos don't bother me much, but the "influencers" are pretty bad, when people will listen to their advice over the advice of someone with 100X more experience in the topic at hand because they have got a lot of followers..... still, if you fall into that category of not seeing through the BS, that's on you (not you you... just people in general)
I much rather people show the typical elk taken with archery tackle in general and over the counter tag opportunities, VERSUS some 350-400'' bull that is taken on private land and "pitched" as public land hunting without saying it's not. We can't all pay $10,000 for those types of hunts.
There are very FEW guys percentage-wise that can take a 6X6 mature bull every year. There are WAY fewer that can do that on camera every year. I enjoy watching DIY hunts on public. I am fine with them shooting whatever they want, whenever they want. If they shot big bulls every time it would get old. I like watching them struggle and overcome the challenges of real hunting.
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I understand the intent and message of the OP’s original post and can sense the frustration. Precisely why I watch VERY few online videos.
There is always something getting people riled up. There was a thread around here not too long ago that talked about how the Youtube/Instagram hunters were only about shooting "trophy" animals and not an accurate representation of hunting. Now (let me check my outrage scorecard) we are bothered because they don't shoot mature enough animals. OK. Got it.
It'd be interesting to see how many viewers would be fine with them not killing anything vs killing something small.

I think a lot of YouTubers feel the pressure to kill something or they might lose credibility or something.

Maybe they like elk meat.

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I get both points of view. I try to only shoot mature bulls too- and usually do, but I’m only hunting one state- and if I don’t have one by the end of the season, you bet your ass I’ll be trying to find anything that’s legal, because I like eating elk all winter regardless. A lot of these guys are just trying to get as much hunting in, in as many states as possible, if that’s what I was doing, I’d probably be shooting a lot of small bulls too- they don’t have the time luxury to be holding out IMO.

Speaking of small bucks- plenty do that too- look at PNWild- seems all they are willing to shoot or 2-3 year olds bucks and bears- and you know what, if that makes them happy, good for them. I may choose not to watch it, but plenty are interested.