Youth 350 Legend Recommendations / Barrel length

Thanks! I’m pretty sure I’ll stick with the 350. I have a few 243’s I am planning to give him when his LOP increases and he becomes a more serious shooter. We hunt primarily in the woods and at close (100 yards) ranges and I like the heavier bullet option. I don’t reload and 350 is readily available here locally. I agree, I think with it being suppressed the shorter barrel may be the way to go. As he grows, and starts to hunt more I doubt he will continue to suppress and I would assume the short barrel is not liability or more dangerous to carry and hunt with for an inexperienced hunter? Seems like it could be but obviously will do my part in educating him in proper gun safety, etc
That's a good point about barrel length. If you ever participated in a 5m BB program you know the challenges they have with muzzle control.
After further review, it looks like both of my 30 cal suppressors (diligent defense enticer s ti) will not work for the 350 legend. To avoid buying another suppressor while still accomplishing the goal of a light recoil close quarters deer rifle, what does everyone think of the Ruger Gen 2 Ranch chambered in 6.5 Grendel? That seems like it would check all the boxes for me and would interface with my existing suppressors. Thanks for everyone’s input, means a lot!
I didn’t read all the posts but the Bergara stoke could serve exactly what you need. The rifle can be grown into and is priced right. I also don’t see much of a justification for going longer on barrel length. The 16.5 will suffice in the 350 at practical ranges. My 450 was a hammer, im likely moving to a 350 this year to ditch the brake, save my ears and for the ranges I’m hunting the 350 is plenty.
I was under the (incorrect) assumption you needed a straight wall cartridge.

I have no specific experience with them, but the Grendel would be more than adequate, as would the 223.

It's the Rodney Dangerfield of cartridges, but I think the 300 BO would be just as good as the 350L and probably not much different than the Grendel at the ranges you're shooting, and better in some ways (quieter, less recoil). 110 Barnes/125 BT have killed deer just fine IME from the BO.

I have a 350 Legend as well and have used it on a couple of bears that I can recall. It worked just fine, but nothing I saw that made up for increased recoil, range limitations, etc. over the 223 or 300 BO.

If you do go 350L, I'd go 16". I have a 20" barrel and wouldn't go that direction again. The 350L doesn't lose much at all in a 16".