Your Top FIXED blade BH

Kayuga Trizot in whatever grain you like. Use LUSK10 to save some coin. Killed my bull this year with the 150s.
Exodus is imo the best replaceable blade head there is. Really only iron wills can claim to be better in any way (materials).

If you want to put animals down faster, and probably get more blood, you need a bigger hole. And that means you need a mech.
Seconded. I don't know what more you can ask for than a 1.25" cut 3 blade for blood trails. Maybe a vented Contact Archery VBS with the bigger bleeder. But those scream downrange so everything is a tradeoff.

A Tooth of the Arrow XL vented might be an alright choice.

Once you go bigger cut than 1.25" things start getting western. Especially at western ranges. So if you want to go bigger I'd also go mechanical. Then you start down the rabbit hole of mech's and the tradeoffs there.

Everything is a balance. No free lunch in the archery world.
Once you go bigger cut than 1.25" things start getting western. Especially at western ranges.
Some years ago I tried the 1.5" fixed blade cut G5 Strikers. They flew amazingly well at least to 60. But I never used them on game because of the blade angle (to get them to 1.5") and large vents in them. Very thin front edge with the vent just behind it. I broke some blades shooting through plywood, figured even a rib could easily break them.

Thinking back, I never have had a decent blood trail with the Exodus regardless whether heart shot or lungs.
I think it's just some animals take a while.

If you want to put animals down faster, and probably get more blood, you need a bigger hole. And that means you need a mech.

Once you go bigger cut than 1.25" things start getting western. Especially at western ranges. So if you want to go bigger I'd also go mechanical. Then you start down the rabbit hole of mech's and the tradeoffs there.

Everything is a balance. No free lunch in the archery world.
Agree with the above. You're not going to gain something without losing something(bigger head=more cut, but less pen and accuracy)
I opt for more accuracy and pen and I'm shooting IW now.
My first bull was shot with qad, he didn't go far. If I wanted more cut than a small 2 blade, exodus would be my first choice.

I didn't like how long it took.
How long did it take? How far did it go?
My favorite fixed blade broadhead is the QAD Exodus. That said, I tend to use Slick Trick Viper Tricks more because they do less damage when pulled out of my broadhead target. Both fly and kill very well.
I started using Thunderhead 100s back in ‘92 when I started bowhunting. I tried the micro hades 100 two years ago. I’ll never make that mistake again. They’re nowhere near as good as the Thunderheads in my experience. I’ll be using Thunderhead 100s, until they stop making them.
I know you weren't looking for arguments to keep using the QADs but I have used them for a couple years now. I had read/heard the comments about sparse bloodtrails on Rokslide prior to using them, but decided to try them anyway. I shot 2 whitetails with them and both died within 60 yards but there was not a ton of blood on the ground. I also shot a shiras moose this fall and he went about 200 yards but the bloodtrail was incredible through the willows, very easy to follow. He was shot through both lungs quartered away, broadhead in the off shoulder. I will stay with them for now since they shoot so well out of my bow and seem to be very durable. I will continue to monitor bloodtrails going forward. Good luck in your search
I fall into the same trap. In reality you need a ton of data points to either confirm or condemn a broadhead. A single kill is as statistically insignificant as you can get. That being said...I am a believer in Iron Wills. I have killed elk, WT and mule deer, pronghorn and bear with:
Muzzy 3 blade
QAD Exodus
Shuttle T
IW single bevel
Sevr 1.5 and 2.0
VPA 3 blade

Blood trails and track jobs have been all over the map (even with 'perfect' shots). Some were gallons of blood, some were hardly any and that can be said about both the giant cutting of the Sevr or the smallish cutting of the IW.

The only two heads that have been able to be reused with nothing more than sharpening was the IW and VPA. Throw in IW warranty and I don't see myself shooting anything other than those at elk any time soon. The way I look at it is if I don't get a full pass through, I want the toughest head I can possibly have that stays sharp rattling around in the cavity as the critter runs off, continuing to cause damage. There really is no argument against IW for durability from the list I show above.
Agree with the above. You're not going to gain something without losing something(bigger head=more cut, but less pen and accuracy)
I opt for more accuracy and pen and I'm shooting IW now.
My first bull was shot with qad, he didn't go far. If I wanted more cut than a small 2 blade, exodus would be my first choice.

How long did it take? How far did it go?
He didn’t go but 50 yards, given the placement of arrow and time he stood there-like 15 mins-I didn’t care for, along with very little blood.
I could tell he was hurting-and again I’m not crapping on the exodus, or this particular scenario, but concerned the next time I maybe have an elk run off with little blood trail.

Appreciate everyone’s input 👍🍺
He didn’t go but 50 yards, given the placement of arrow and time he stood there-like 15 mins-I didn’t care for, along with very little blood.
I could tell he was hurting-and again I’m not crapping on the exodus, or this particular scenario, but concerned the next time I maybe have an elk run off with little blood trail.

Appreciate everyone’s input 👍🍺
Sounds like a mechanical might be in your future! In my opinion, that's your next step up for blood trail. If you get two holes that is. The Sevr 1.5 hybrid puts down a lot of blood in my one experience watching a bull get shot.
He didn’t go but 50 yards, given the placement of arrow and time he stood there-like 15 mins-I didn’t care for, along with very little blood.
couldn't get another arrow in?
the bull i shot with exodus just started walking and i was able to get another through him and send two more arrows down the mountain before he fell over. This was all in under a minute or two tho.
Tac Driver 2.75 R helical

That vane peaks at .475", and doesn't hold that length very long. I'd recommend more drag on the back of the arrow if you are wanting to step upto a larger cutting head that isn't a mech. That really doesn't look like too much helical either. Look at increasing helical, taller and or longer vanes, or more of them.

This is a 3 degree AAE Max Stealth, a vane similar to the 2.75 driver, except it holds height longer, and is a little taller (.500"), but material is softer so that reduces its steering capability a little. But this is the least I'd use on a larger fixed head like an IW Wide vented. I can get it to work on large non-vented heads as well, but you gotta break a good shot. Speaking of arrows in the 300 fps realm.

My hunting arrows are currently wearing 3" bohning bronco vanes because they are stupid easy to get to stick, another similar profile.

Only bringing it because I think your answer is going to be a bigger cut BH, and you of course need to counter that on the back.
I've seen that claim that you need a bigger hole...but then I've shot 2 blades and those tapered 3 blade designs for decades and I've seen so many critters go down quick...and in sight...I don't think the size of the hole has much to do with it.

I do think effortless penetration without them feeling the shot...and 2 holes seems to give me the best results.
If you’re wanting a big fixed blade and don’t care about taking out a 2nd mortgage on your house, or just feel like having a good chuckle, check out the Bishop Jumbo head
1.75 inch cut 3 blade broadhead with .123 blade thickness (3x that of the Exodus)
I shot my elk this year with the exodus swept. It was a fairly decent blood trail and she died within 30 yds. The only reason it was decent is because the entry was high and exit was just above mid body from a tree stand. Insane amount of blood inside the chest cavity. Best blood trail I’ve ever been a part of was a bull I shot in 1991 with a Bear 2 blade. I like a fixed 3 blade the best then a 4 blade.

Muzzy 3 or 4
Slicktrick vipertrick

In no particular order except the exodus is #1 right now. I shot SB cutthroat’s for a little bit and killed elk as well. I don’t really think a SB is necessary and prefer a double bevel.


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