Yeah, if you think about it, a guy like me at 5' 8" 165 lbs puts on a layer, then puts on a 26" Kifaru, and now you have probably a good 30% of that layer smashed under that pack. Not only is that insulation not doing me any good, it's causing me problems as it's adding to detrimental perspiration.That’s prezactly what Ryan and I were talking about. Take that, make it out if Polartec Alpha Direct… money.
I think this modification is a good step, but my wish list garment would be.....
-It needs a good hood.
-Exterior fabric like my BD Alpine Start.
-Mesh vent in the back.
-Alpha Direct in the sleeves, sides, and front. Insulation in the sides and front needs to stop just above the pack belt, with the face fabric extending down to typical height.
-Full zip for venting.