I didn't come from a hunting family, so I didn't go on my first hunt until I was in college. After two years of hunting with one of my college roommates where I shot my first deer and elk with borrowed rifles. I decided to get my own hunting rifle, and in the spring of 1967, I ordered a barreled action and semi inleted stock from Herter's.
I asked the guys that I worked with in the summers in Steamboat Spgs who had grown up there hunting deer and elk, what rifle to buy. They said to buy a bolt action chambered in .270 Win or .30-06. They said that only the Denver city dudes that only came out in the mountains once a year, hunted with big guns like the .300 Winchester. So my first centerfire rifle was a Herter's Model U-9 chambered in .30-06.
I put that rifle together that summer and also started reloading then. For the next 10 years, except for 3 years that included an all expense paid year in Vietnam courtesy of Uncle Sam, I shot prairie dogs, deer, antelope, and elk with that rifle.
In 1975 I left Colorado for Montana and my Herter's .30-06 kept my freezer full of deer, antelope, and elk meat until my new hunting partner here gave me a .30 Gibbs cartridge case. I thought that case looked so cool that I had my .30-06 rechambered to .30 Gibbs for my primary elk rifle.
My best elk and the last animal that I shot with my Herter's .30-6-06 before I had it rechambered to .30 Gibbs.
Also, after moving to Montana, my hunting experiences expanded with a group DIY caribou hunt with new friends in Alaska, and I was lucky enough to draw a couple of Montana bull moose tags and a mountain goat tag. My .30 Gibbs with 180 gr Nosler Partition bullets made one shot kills on those animals along with another 20 some elk to keep my freezers full until the early 2000s.
When I had my .30-06 rechambered to .30 Gibbs, I also made a .257 Ackley for deer and antelope size animals and a .22-250 for varmints. Over the years I also acquired a few more rifles, including a .300 Weatherby Vanguard, which is one of my favorite hunting rifles, and now my primary elk hunting rifle.
My .300 Wby with an Arapawa ram in New Zealand.