Your first centerfire rifle

I saved up my money from Christmas and my birthday growing up and put that money to a Remington 700 sps stainless in a 270. Its the same gun, just looks different now and shoots extremely well.

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When I was thirteen, my dad gave me a pre 64 model 70 feather weight in 308 win. Loved the rifle, shot lots of deer and elk with it. Several family members were using 300 Weatherby's. Needless to say I got caught up in the fanfare and traded the Winchester for a 300 Weatherby after 5 or 6 years. I wish that I would have never done that. That 300wby hit hard at both ends, ended up selling the Weatherby. I still have four Weatherby's, no 300s.
Ruger M77 7mm Remington Mag.

I paid $325 cash for it at a gun show that was in the high school gym in the next county south of where I live now. I was 14.
Lotta hay bales went into that rifle.

I don’t miss that gun but I miss those times.
Remington Model 700 in .243. Started open sighted and later put on a cheap nikon scope. Killed many deer and antelope with it and probably could've killed my elk with it had I not switched to a 30-06
Mine was a Savage Axis II stainless in 243. It was super accurate but that bolt was such a pos. I really hand to rip on it after firing. I despised that rifle lol.
Well my first would be a Remington Mohawk 600 in 222 that I used to shoot my first Whitetail doe with and have since used it on ground hogs. It sits in my safe now with a cheaper Bushnell scope sitting on-top of it.
A partially sporterized P-17 Enfield in 30-06 oof the used rack for $100. Put a 3x9 Tasco order from Sears on top. Heavy as a boat anchor but very accurate (the previous owner who had started the conversion had added a timney trigger).
Mine was a Remington 742 Woodsmaster in 30-06. I probably could have taken everything with that rifle. I never shot it past about 250 yards but it shot good and I dont think it would have been an issue at any of the animals I have taken. Wish I still had that gun.
Me also. It would have killed anything I needed to, but the receiver interior would have been long worn out by now.