Your favorite print *hunting* magazine?

Peterson's Hunting Journal
I’m thinking of subscribing. Problem is, that around here, I can never find a copy. :(
If you don’t mind my asking

1. Does the magazine have at least semi-regular articles about US deer hunting?
2. How frequently are bird hunting articles represented?


EDIT: I did find the 50th Anniversary Issue and it was good. Just want to make sure it’s not a one of
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Magazines are thing of the past not because “print is dead” or because people would rather stare at their device 3 more hours a day (might actually apply to many on second thought) but because the magazines themselves are their own worst enemy.

I subscribed to many as early as last year, Bowhunting, Hunting Journal, North American Whitetail, Eastmans, etc and ditched them all because every single one had 90 pages of ads and 10 pages of articles, if that. Youre literally paying someone to send you junk mail.

They killed themselves i’ll never subscribe to another. I’ll stick to books going forward.
This is what I currently think I get:

State ones I get because it's only $10 more when I apply for licenses.
Oklahoma Outdoors
Arizona Outdoors (or some other name)
Wyoming Wildlife

Guns and Ammo
Some blackpowder based mountain man magazine my father subscribes me to
Breakthrough (taxidermy magazine)
Alaska Magazine
RMEF magazine
Sheep Magazine
Boone and Crocket magazine
I get 2 or 3 German language hunting magazines from being a member of the German Jagdverbrand Hunting club
Jagd and Hund
German Gun Collectors

My favorite was always Boddington as a writer, but lately I think he is pretty boring.
This is what I currently think I get:

State ones I get because it's only $10 more when I apply for licenses.
Oklahoma Outdoors
Arizona Outdoors (or some other name)
Wyoming Wildlife

Guns and Ammo
Some blackpowder based mountain man magazine my father subscribes me to
Breakthrough (taxidermy magazine)
Alaska Magazine
RMEF magazine
Sheep Magazine
Boone and Crocket magazine
I get 2 or 3 German language hunting magazines from being a member of the German Jagdverbrand Hunting club
Jagd and Hund
German Gun Collectors

My favorite was always Boddington as a writer, but lately I think he is pretty boring.
You speak German? Good for you!
Italian here. :)
I’m thinking of subscribing. Problem is, that around here, I can never find a copy. :(
If you don’t mind my asking

1. Does the magazine have at least semi-regular articles about US deer hunting?
2. How frequently are bird hunting articles represented?


EDIT: I did find the 50th Anniversary Issue and it was good. Just want to make sure it’s not a one of
From what I remember it was 98% US hunting. They would have some turkey hunting articles each spring and then some other waterfowl and upland sprinkled in there time to time. It's a lot of US big game hunting. I enjoyed it, I cancelled my membership last year after 5 years just cause I was trying to cut off any luxury unnecessary bills.

Bowhunter was another good one, with a lot of deer hunting.
You should definitely check out Modern Huntsman. It’s not so much a magazine as it is a coffee table book/periodical published twice per year. Top notch writing, photography, and printing. It has a lot of international content and perspectives. It is pricey compared to your typical 6 or 12 issue magazine, but it is well worth it.
Every time somebody mentions the “Eastmans” magazine, all I can think about is the “Luke From Eastmans” thread and how quickly it turned into a dumpster fire for that dude. I still laugh about it. He had no clue what can of worms he opened when he stated, “let me know if you have any questions.” The first reply was, “questions about what?”

The rest is history.

All the FNG’s should take a peek at the thread and let us know what your take on hotdogs is.
