Your Favorite Muley "Grip & Grin" Photo Contest

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This probaly doesn't count but is one of my favorite pics. My bride didn't want her picture taken with "just a doe" so we fixed that with my bull from the week before.
My little-eared mulie. Snuck to 17 yards, had to throw dirt clods to get him to stand. .257 Wby with the scope still on 10x, would've been easier with my bow.
MrKrabs, that's a stud buck, hellofa first muley, congrats!
Lukem that's a SCHWEET buck! He's got a cool frame, how wide is that sucker?? He looks like mid 30s to me...
GJ, you have my vote for best muzzleloader bucks on Rokslide so far! When you get some time, visit our Muzz forum (if you haven't already). We need some guys like you on there! Love to hear about your muzz gear, preparation, and even how you closed the deal on those bucks on the muzz forum!
Thanks for sharing.

2010 CO

I had to let this buck go overnight. I looked for him in the middle of the night and even though I walked right past where he was lying, I didn’t notice him in the dim light of my headlamp. In the morning, the grin period was long gone and it more just a feeling of relief.
Vandal, so glad to see you on here with your buck. When you get some time, give us a quick story on the hunt. His lab-age should be back soon so I'll send you the report.
For you all who don't know Vandal, he not only eats, sleeps mule deer, he spends so much time with them, he smells like a rutted buck- really! He works out where I do and I get rutted up talking to him.
Welcome to Rokslide.
Battle, thanks for sharing. That stuff happens rifle, bow, muzz, sometimes. Was the meat ok?
I lost a cow elk once for the night in September and she was fine except the rear quarter that was on the ground. I know what you mean by feeling of relief!
Battle, thanks for sharing. That stuff happens rifle, bow, muzz, sometimes. Was the meat ok?
I lost a cow elk once for the night in September and she was fine except the rear quarter that was on the ground. I know what you mean by feeling of relief!

Same here. Everything but the rear quarter that was down came out fine.
David's CHEATING!!! He starts the thread off with the buck he put on the cover of PUBLIC LAND MULIES: The Bottom Line!!! :):):) PS for anyone who DOESN'T already have this book and are Mule Deer FREAKS!!! GET IT!!!