You might be a backpack hunting obsessed Rokslider if....

When you send a group email to family members to tell them that "Me and Earl" are heading out. Earl is my backpack safely belted in the passenger seat. He is sometimes the only freind I have.

Getting pissed off when I realize that Earl(in the passenger seat) is heavy enough to turn on the passenger airbag, and re-evaluating my gear list for the next 300 miles.
When your wife tells all your friends to get you money orders or cash for gifts rather than having to return the gear they get you for lighter and better gear

When you look at the oz to calorie ratio on all for you buy.

When people at work ask if you will take them hunting and they turn around at the trailhead because it's too hard
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When you are on the phone with your kid's doctor trying to get a prescription and she asks you if you know how much your kid weighs, and you reply "38 pounds 4 ounces" without skipping a beat.
You got a violation from the HOA for bugling in your condo, but now your cool neighbor gives you some his elk jerky stash.

You have holes and inserts stuck in your fiancées dresser from shooting your bow in your house.

You sneak a couple broadhead shots at the range that clearly doesn't allow broadheads.
You'd rather donate to help a fellow rokslider out that has had an unfortunate turn of events than see him have to sell his gear.

^^^^^This. Roksliders are all insanely nuts about the outdoors, but we all care about fellow mankind.
If you have an entire room in your house dedicated to gear and another dedicated to mounts

If you can justify the hole in your retaining wall in the backyard because it is a nice arrow backstop

If 10% or more of your annual yearly take home income is dedicated to gear purchases

If every family vacation you take can double as a scouting trip.

If the only stipulation you give your spouse for your new travel trailer purchase that its has to have a 4 season package and heated tanks.

I have a problem.....;)
If you'd gladly give up a few days to a week of your time even if you have to take off work just to tag along on somebody else's hunt and hopefully get to help them pack out a heavy load
If every family vacation you take can double as a scouting trip.

If the only time you enter a McDonald's is to steal salt and pepper packets.

If your wife asks you "where are you going hunting tomorrow?" and never "are you going hunting tomorrow?"

If you've ever bought a new sleeping bag because you wore the last one out.

If you've ever cut the 3 inch white outside liner off of a topo map to start a fire or reduce its size.

If you've ever purposefully put on a few lbs because you knew you were about to lose too many.

If you've excitedly told people stories about the best times of your life and they think it sounds to them like they'd have the worst time of their life.
The only time you sort your laundry and indicate any interest in following instructions regarding "care" is with your hunting clothing.

You decide to clean, reapply waterproofing and seam seal on a holiday and a neighbor inquires about the party you're having because you have seven tents pitched in the yard.

Your first child was...conceived while you were wearing Pac boots...named for the lake...and baptised with water that was taken from a hole in the ice.

The next two kids were baptized with water from trout streams, with one taking a name from the better stream.

Your nine year old explains a quality understanding of anatomy to a teacher by describing field dressing deer.

Your five year old explains at school, "The best bed time stories have bloodtrails."

You have topo maps and satellite photos on your night stand, in your office, on the dining room table, in the closet, at work and in your truck.

In the fall, the vast majority of your text messages are pictures of dead animals shared by friends and friends of friends.

Whether you are working on breaking in some boots, training with a pack, stomping around in a downpour checking some new rain gear, replacing some lines on a tent in the front yard... Your wife and neighbors all seem to stare at you with the same look, smirking and slowly shaking their head.
The only time you sort your laundry and indicate any interest in following instructions regarding "care" is with your hunting clothing.

You decide to clean, reapply waterproofing and seam seal on a holiday and a neighbor inquires about the party you're having because you have seven tents pitched in the yard.

Your first child was...conceived while you were wearing Pac boots...named for the lake...and baptised with water that was taken from a hole in the ice.

The next two kids were baptized with water from trout streams, with one taking a name from the better stream.

Your nine year old explains a quality understanding of anatomy to a teacher by describing field dressing deer.

Your five year old explains at school, "The best bed time stories have bloodtrails."

You have topo maps and satellite photos on your night stand, in your office, on the dining room table, in the closet, at work and in your truck.

In the fall, the vast majority of your text messages are pictures of dead animals shared by friends and friends of friends.

Whether you are working on breaking in some boots, training with a pack, stomping around in a downpour checking some new rain gear, replacing some lines on a tent in the front yard... Your wife and neighbors all seem to stare at you with the same look, smirking and slowly shaking their head.
Definitely some hardcore stuff there.
If you go out in your yard, wearing all your hunting clothes, pack, weighted down, after a 34 minute lung burning workout to shoot arrows. All this in 90* weather and you love every second of it
If you push mow your entire 3 acre yard wearing a full face respirator and your pack with 75# in it in 95* heat, you might be a Rokslider.
You make the decision to ask her to marry you 9 1/2 miles into your day, maybe 18-20 miles from the nearest road which is a seasonally maintained bush access road, sweating under a pack that she stuffed with an extra ten pounds plus of dog food because she "knows that you'll be fine and can handle it, but worries about the dog."

A couple of good friends from an outfitter drive fourteen hours to attend your wedding wearing Hawaiian shirts and hiking boots.

Your honeymoon is a gift from friends, dogsledding and ice fishing. The fishing is great, the dogs are phenomenal and the colder it gets, the better looking you are.