Do you hunt from home?

I have good elk, deer, bear and turkey hunting within 15 min - 2 hr drive. 50% on the time I hunt from home and other 50% is backpack or camps.
Deer, Elk, Bears, even sheep or goats. Earlier season stuff I tend to backpack or spike camp, later season stuff is probably 50/50 on average. Really depends on if I’m chasing a certain animal or where specifically I’m headed. I’ve got 8 mountain ranges within day-of driving distance from the house, so it really depends on the hunt logistics.

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I drove home from an elk hunt Saturday 975 miles in one push. But I can also hunt about 1 hour a way...but its terrible.
I don't want to shoot the yard turkey and whitetails. That isn't hunting.

I have shot a few with a pistol when they are injured from car collisions. I usually call the sheriff and let him know and tell him Im going to salvage what meat I can.

I'm not afraid to pop a coyote from the back porch.
After a trip to the shooting range I was talking w my father about how hunting has changed, the technology, and the travel involved.

Anyway we were wondering how many folks get to hunt from the house anymore? Sleep in your own bed set an alarm and go hunting. It seems with guys chasing the best perceived unit, out of state guys, and heck even front "rangers" setting up camps that it is getting less and less as in my fathers day they never traveled to hunt.. Now I am lucky as most of my scouting/hunting is from home w overnights and 2 nights mixed in there. Or almost everything I hunt is a hour or 2 from the front door even if ya count the hike, dirt bike, side by side, or jeep to approach.

So how many of you guys sleep in your own bed and hunt from your house? Does not matter what ya hunt just wondering how many folks get to hunt like this and what ya are hunting?

This is a great topic.

As I got more established professionally, I moved to places that had better hunting. But even when I lived in Boulder and Denver, I would do door-to-door hunts. But that's because . . . . I'm always hunting. When I'm driving, I'm always looking for animals, in the winter, spring, summer, etc.

I've killed animals that some people would probably call cheating, but the only way I found them, was by constantly watching even in - ESPECIALLY IN - places where other people aren't watching.

And this is not a "I'm so hardcore" post. It's just how my family has always done things. We just like looking for animals. Every day.
I can actually shoot deer and hogs out of my bathroom window. I live on a river and my boat stays in the water all of duck season. Nothing like walking 25 yards to the boat and running a half a mile to the hole. I can drive my gator to two of the 3 dove fields we shoot. I do travel about 40 miles to fish saltwater and about 25 miles to catch stripers schooling in lake Moultrie. That's about the extent of my travels.
SE Alaska, I found a muskeg behind my apartment that's property locked while e-scouting when I moved here.
Been lucky enough to harvest blacktail deer and the bear in my avatar up there. The hillside is also covered in red huckleberry bushes, and the muskeg holds cranberries.
I've bird hunted a lot from my house. Quail, pheasants, and waterfowl.

There is good deer hunting around my house, but whitetail hunting in scrubby oaks doesn't excite me.

I hunt and fish for the adventure. That means traveling.

I'm sure if I lived in the middle of Wyoming I'd want to shoot the whitetails here that I'm currently uninterested in.
Yep whitetail turkey and pheasant. I pheasant hunt several times a week because the dogs want to always quit after 1 bird but elk are few and far between in Iowa
Depends on the season of life.

Before children, at least 50% of my hunts were driving 1-2 hours each way both days for my weekend whitetail hunts. Would also get in at least one week+ long western hunt per year. Trout fish 30-40 days per year from a motel room.

Now with young kids, 100% of my whitetail hunting is walking out my back door and hunting behind my house which offers some of the best whitetail hunting I’ve experienced. Western hunts have gone to every other year. Fishing has been cut by 60-70%.

On the surface it sounds terrible but I wouldn’t trade a second of the extra time with my kids while they are little.
I have a two part answer.

In my home state of Nevada, it depends on what unit the kids and I draw. I typically try to stay in my corner of the state but will travel if I draw a better unit. With my kids, I tend to stick with hunting close to the house.

From our house in Wyoming (not our primary home), I hike out the front door and am in elk country immediately. We have taken several elk and deer within 1 mile of the house. We have moose that live under our porch throughout the winter, and the frequent the pond in the spring with their calves.

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We usually get mule deer and pronghorn tags within 1-3 hours of the house. We will sometimes do morning runs for the 3 hour drives, but usually will go hunt the night and spend the night, hunt the morning and come back. If its 1-2 hours I would rather sleep in my own bed than the back of the truck. I am lucky this year for waterfowl and joined a duck club that is a 5 minute drive from my driveway to the entrance.
When (if) I can draw a tag, 45 min to 1-1/2 hrs I can be hunting deer and elk. Waterfowl is less than a minute from the house.

If I lived on the other side of the county, 15 min to 45 min drive...
Most of my hunting is from home. Heck last weekend I got a wild hair and left the house at 12:30pm for an evening hunt with sunset at 4:40. I’m lucky though. Working for a timber company I get to use my work pickup for hunting and the closest gate is 7 minutes from my front door. With gas prices the way they are it sure is tough burning my own gas to hunt public but that’s where the giants are so I do that a bit too. Those trips are usually overnight deals. One day I’ll get a critter on land in my name.
I can sit in the recliner and watch a 12 point and 10 point whitetail eat out of the feeder 60 yards away.
Have been here since 2018 and in late 2019 i started cleaning up the place and started planting summer/winter food plots. Ive noticed quite a difference in the past 2 years.
Hunted in 2018, 2019 and 2020, never saw anything but a random coyote.
In 2021 wife killed a nice 6 point.
2022 we didnt get to hunt,
2023 wife killed a nice 11 point and a big 8 point.
This year im sitting here watching the big 12 and 10 point eating out of the feeder in front of the house.
I enjoy watching the squirrels, rabbits, and deer playing now.
Crazy ninja red fox squirrel loves to hide in the feeder and wait for the deer to stick snout in the feeder and he jumps out onto the deer. Working on getting a 4K wifi camera out there so i can put it up on the TV..

Do you shoot the deer in the yard?
