You ever skip a year of hunting to do something else?

Aug 21, 2018
For me hunting is my passion, when I don’t hunt I fish but that’s it. Maybe I am missing out or maybe not, either way sounds like an awesome adventure. I’d say go for it for sure if it’s on your bucket list. One year off of hunting isn’t going to be the end of the world. For me though I could never do it, I give up a lot just to be able to hunt. Best of luck on your trip though sounds really cool.
Jul 7, 2018
I took off ten years from hunting and fishing to Interview over fifty WW2 Veterans were in the same company in the war. Flights all around the US, several trips to Europe, national archives, personnel records center research, and hours spent documenting it all took up my time and money.

In the end I wrote a book about the men. I am not a writer but was fortunate to have the book published. Their unit history and personal accounts are forever preserved for their children and grandchildren, as well as those interested in history. I was racing time as the men were in their 80s when I started so I had to decide between my personal activities and interviews and research. I do not regret it as I considered it an honor to be a part of those heroes lives. But I jumped back into hunting full speed afterwards.
Aug 26, 2014
I haven't specifically 'taken time off', but I've definitely elected to do other things which in turn limited my ability to hunt. Life is short and there is so much to do....and someone to do it with. I could never have a one-track mind about hunting-only as my passion in life. I love to fish, hike, travel with my wife, collect wine (and bourbon) and ride a motorcycle. In 2017 we realized a dream we'd put on hold by finally buying a big touring Harley and accessorizing it (and us) to ride and travel as we like. My appetite for fun means I don't have a one-item menu.
Feb 13, 2017
Tulsa, ok
I took off ten years from hunting and fishing to Interview over fifty WW2 Veterans were in the same company in the war. Flights all around the US, several trips to Europe, national archives, personnel records center research, and hours spent documenting it all took up my time and money.

In the end I wrote a book about the men. I am not a writer but was fortunate to have the book published. Their unit history and personal accounts are forever preserved for their children and grandchildren, as well as those interested in history. I was racing time as the men were in their 80s when I started so I had to decide between my personal activities and interviews and research. I do not regret it as I considered it an honor to be a part of those heroes lives. But I jumped back into hunting full speed afterwards.

This sounds awesome! Do you mind sharing the name of the book. Love WW2 history!
Jul 7, 2018
This sounds awesome! Do you mind sharing the name of the book. Love WW2 history!

Fighting Fox Company

A kid from my home town was killed in Holland with the unit (Fox 506th 101st Abn) I was curious about him and how he died. Ended up contacting his squad leader in Oregon and it snowballed from there. Parachuted into Normandy and Holland for the 60th anniversary of the liberations. Ended with the book and an episode on AHC "Against the Odds". Now hunting again.

PM your address Dexter and I will mail you a copy.
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May 24, 2016
Hunting costs me a big chunk of my disposable income. I go in eyes wide open. Wife is on board and we budget for it all.

I’ve been thinking of crossing something off the bucket list. Picking a foreign country, shipping my motorcycle to it and riding around the vast area solo. Crossing borders into another country? Yes!

Outfitting a motorcycle isn’t for the feint of heart. I’m lucky if I don’t torpedo this years hunting budget. Haha.

Some of you all are blessed owning farms and stuff with deer and turkey. Me? No, it’s a major event. Anyone forgo hunting temporarily to chase other adventures?

Unless ur tied to ur bike it’s probably financially expedient to rent a motorcycle in the area ur going if time is of the essence.

My cousin ripped a bike from Cape Town to Cairo, ferried it to the balkans and ripped her west into Central Asia and then down to south east Asia.

We spent a winter with surf boards strapped to wife’s Harley in the Southwest. was a ball. Worked like a maniac all fall. Only shot prairie dogs.

After doing the hunting thing in Alaska, I took almost 4 years off. Totally over it. Freezer was full of fish.. and to this day i’d Take a freezer full of halibut and sockeye over any hoofed animal.

The great thing is hunting season isn’t just the fall if ur willing to hop on a plane. Probably won’t miss a fall in the immediate future but if I do, will rest ez knowing flights are daily to Christchurch or Windhoek..
Jan 22, 2016
Missoula, MT
I haven’t committed to skipping a year or two of hunting yet but thought about it considerably. The biggest goal i have is wanting to get back into showing horses again and would love to compete in a handful of large shows a year and qualify for a world or national championship and go. Having a Reiner, cutter, or working cow horse is something I’ve been yearning for a few years now.

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Jan 21, 2019
Had a friend that I would hunt opening day dove season every year. On year about 20 years ago, he tells me he can't make opening day. I ask why and he wouldn't tell me. I found out through another friend that he and his girlfriend went to a "Peach Festival"

Needless to say when I received this news as to what he gave up opening day for I gave him as much crap as a guy could give another guy. Every year I ask, "Are you going dove hunting or the peach festival?"

Jordan Budd

Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 8, 2012
NW Nebraska
I've missed the 7 years of hunting to be a guide. Wouldn't trade it for the world, but certainly do miss filling my own freezer with a moose every year.

Definitley a double sided sword. Same with filming in the outdoor industry.. the time to make money is during hunting season. So it’s awesome to get to be hunting all the time, but it’s still a job at times and not like hunting for yourself. Between guiding and filming this year my Kansas tag is going to be a quick 2 day trip here and there. Just what you have to do sometimes. But I love the rollercoaster!

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Jan 11, 2015
Never! This will be year 43 of hunting seasons, running out of sunrises at a fast clip can’t afford to sleep, rest when I am dead.

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Feb 8, 2018
Arizona Wilderness
Archery Deer in Az. is in August,So I miss the opener of Dove season every
year.That's akin to some folks as missing church.Luckily I have a large back
yard and Dove and Quail are abundant.:cool:
Mar 27, 2017
North Carolina
You get once, if traveling on a bike for a season is something you want to do then go do it.

One thing I always do when I travel is do at least one fishing charter while there. I started a few years ago and it’s been an absolute blast. Don’t need any equipment, it’s not a big time commitment, just show up and fish all around the world.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I want to go to AK fishing in a few years and won't hunt big game for a few years to afford that. And that will be fine.

On a 6-8 year plan to knock off the hunting/fishing bucket list items and then not sure what I'll do. prolly stop these long range trips and stay local after that.
Feb 13, 2017
Tulsa, ok
I want to go to AK fishing in a few years and won't hunt big game for a few years to afford that. And that will be fine.

On a 6-8 year plan to knock off the hunting/fishing bucket list items and then not sure what I'll do. prolly stop these long range trips and stay local after that.

Holy cow! You plan on buying the boat when you go fishing in Alaska?