You mean the culture where he uses himself as an example of how you can use education to escape a place like Compton? You mean a culture where hard work can get anybody a Stanford degree no matter their roots? You mean a culture where he sets up a bus tour each year for students to visit local colleges so students can figure out the grades they need to acheave and once acheaved how to get financial help? You mean a culture were his HS teammates asked the coach on how best to get their grades up and into collage in an effort to "shut up" Richard?
Or are you talking about the culture of always having your teammates back even when playing lousy and with one arm? The culture of playing thru pain and hardship, no matter the odds, for the simple reason there is still time left on the clock?
Feel free to hate the Hawks because they play badass football until the clock runs out. Us 12's wouldn't have it any other way. But to hate the Hawks because Richard Sherman is a big scary loud black dude with dreadlocks is a wee bit misplaced IMHO

. Especially one day after he showed a warriors heart out there playing with one arm. If only he'd speak like RW using white man cliches and quoting the bible then he'd be ok????
It should be a great Super Bowl. Go Hawks!