Wyoming Super Tag

Agreed Jimss, kind of why I am wanting to build a rapport with the local biologist, incase they see some tremendous die off I can adjust as needed. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks all for the input and advice so far. I have been in touch with a handful of outfitters and am waiting a call back from the biologist for 128
I know those guys are busy this time of year. Nice part about that 128 area is that the winter range has been *mostly* normal. Just was ice fishing near there and snow was much more reasonable depth with no snow on south slopes.

I say that as we are getting hit by another doozy of a storm, but I stand by it. I think that's going to be an area that doesn't see as much winter kill, if any abnormal amount at all.
Thanks Jaden. I got some mediocre feedback about a few of the outfitters I have spoken to in the Dubois area so I am still filtering through pros/cons of them all now.

I will likely drive up a few days prior to the guided hunt beginning, just to get as many days of DIY experience as possible. Any input on the hotels/airbnb etc available in or around the Dubois area? Looks to be slim pickings from what I see online
Hello all, I am relatively new to posting here. I have been lurking in the background for a few years. I happen to be the lucky winner of the deer super tag for Wyoming this year. Not realistic for me to try DIY this year so I am in the process of selecting an outfitter. I would like opinions, references, past experiences etc from anyone willing to provide some assistance. I am open to archery or rifle but leaning toward rifle just to increase my odds. Not really into farm deer, definitely free range only. I have spoken to a few outfitters in the Alpine area as well as the biologist for region G. Preliminary research continues to point me towards G or H but I am open to anything you all have to bring forward. Not looking for specific unit numbers or any secrets, mainly just reputable outfitters for a trophy during early season. Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
G and H deer gonna be few and far between this fall. Winter kill is going to be bad in western Wyoming as a whole.

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Congratulations on drawing the tag and 128 seems like a solid option!
I got lucky and drew the Elk Super Tag , lots of homework to do and decisions to make in the coming months … Best of luck on your hunt!
Congrats to you as well and best of luck. This forum has been helpful so far.
I've been in conversation with several outfitters and seems they have a mixed bag of feelings about it, depending on where they are located but they all definitely have some level on concern.
Makes sense ,I’ve also had a few conversations with locals and outfitters this last week and same thing. On the flip side , with all the snow and moisture it will be an unreal geeen spring and early summer which should promote an awesome horn growth year .
Thanks TX. Definitely got a lot of hype built up around the trip. I'm certainly more eager for the 4-5 days I will have of DIY than the week with outfitter and hopeful thoughts of a trophy.
There's still some restrictions such as limited quota units etc. I also have a very difficult schedule to navigate that leaves me with a small window.

Thanks jhemp
That’s awesome!

So on the super rage hunts are they all DIY or is an outfitter used or at least available?

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