Wyoming resident accompanying NR

I'm curious why a NR has to have a guide or resident with them to hunt in a wilderness area??.
Who wouldn’t be curious, when a NR can hike, camp, prowl around all they want, in the wilderness, ALONE, if they are’nt hunting. So why does it change come hunting season? See post #19.
Because WYOGA, (WY Outfitters and Guides Assoc) is in bed with the WY G&F, and if they want something, they get it. All this protection referenced above is protecting the outfitter’s wallets from getting emptied.
But if your a good outfitter service, high success rate and do your best for the clients weather they get a animal or not it shouldn't have to be forced onto people right?
Who wouldn’t be curious, when a NR can hike, camp, prowl around all they want, in the wilderness, ALONE, if they are’nt hunting. So why does it change come hunting season? See post #19.
This and if the unit is 85% wilderness and 15% not I can still hunt that 15% without either a guide or resident right? So now I'm still in the unit hunting but can't criss the line into the wilderness makes no sense to me