Wyoming region W ?


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I put in for Wyoming W with zero points and got stupid lucky ! I seriously don’t know a thing about region W. Is it a good area ? How is public land access ? Any pointers anyone would like to share ? I really didn’t expect to draw so I didn’t do any homework beforehand. It looked like a big area without any wilderness I’d be locked out of and tons of BLM to hunt. That’s the extent of my reasoning. Any help is appreciated.
I don’t know it but have had the same thing happen about 10 years ago and it turned out a 6-year old buck. Hope you get the same!

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Thanks Robby ! Now I have to get serious about a bunch of things I’ve been slacking on. Going to have to buy all new clothes since most everything I had was stolen :(. Get the pack and rest of the gear out and go over it. Take work I don’t want to do to pay for this. I’ve been really lazy the last six months !
Thanks Robby ! Now I have to get serious about a bunch of things I’ve been slacking on. Going to have to buy all new clothes since most everything I had was stolen :(. Get the pack and rest of the gear out and go over it. Take work I don’t want to do to pay for this. I’ve been really lazy the last six months !
I have some clothing I'd be willing to part with for free if interested. What size are ya?
Looks like I can hunt 131 , 100 , and 82. I’m not in the best shape these days. Heart disease and diabetes has me and it’s not magically going to be better. Realistically I’m not climbing mountains and going 5 miles deep. I’m going to need to keep it to a couple of miles from the truck and moderate terrain. Hills yes but thousand foot in a quarter mile is going to wipe me out. I’m going to be looking at maps for the next couple of months but any first hand knowledge would be great.
That’s a great region if you’re in bad health. There are roads everywhere. Plenty of public land. I spent 22 years in those areas. You never know what you may turn up. All three areas have heavy resident pressure. Find water and thick sagebrush and there will be deer there. Good luck!
That’s a great region if you’re in bad health. There are roads everywhere. Plenty of public land. I spent 22 years in those areas. You never know what you may turn up. All three areas have heavy resident pressure. Find water and thick sagebrush and there will be deer there. Good luck!
Thanks ! You’re confirming what I had thought originally. I’m looking for a mature deer. Antlers are great but a big bodied older deer is what I’m looking for. I don’t mean to make it sound like I’m a cripple. I’ll hike in over three miles to hunt an area and camp. If I’m camped I can keep the travel distance down. Packing a deer one way three or four miles is doable. I just can’t rack up the vertical miles without killing my batteries. A hundred feet up a hill and back down isn’t going to kill me but a thousand would.
Thanks Ryan. Reality sucks sometimes. I had my fist stroke as I finished an eight mile hike with my pack :( One minute I’m hiking along and the next my right arm doesn’t work.
Thanks Ryan. Reality sucks sometimes. I had my fist stroke as I finished an eight mile hike with my pack :( One minute I’m hiking along and the next my right arm doesn’t work.

Damn, I bet that required a few weeks in the hospital?? Well, at least you will be hunting this fall.
Thanks Robby ! Now I have to get serious about a bunch of things I’ve been slacking on. Going to have to buy all new clothes since most everything I had was stolen :(. Get the pack and rest of the gear out and go over it. Take work I don’t want to do to pay for this. I’ve been really lazy the last six months !
Hey I’ve got some cabelas stuff sitting in one of my totes you’re welcome to if you’re interested. I’m right in the middle of moving but can try and find it and get some pictures over to you.
Lucky. I just don't have the time to travel that far this Fall or would have applied. The north end of 131 caught my interest, more because of the landscape than anything. Figured I could turn up a deer or two.

Good luck.
I'll echo what others have said. There will be aspen pockets down there that hold some deer, but also hold the hearts of many deer hunters. Glass the hell out of sage flats and other areas near aspen but not in it to turn up bigger deer. And I doubt you'll have to walk more than a couple miles ever, unless it's back to your vehicle on a road. Feel free to PM other questions too.
What size are ya?
I’m ok. I really only lost my merino clothing for out west. The rest was stuff for hunting Georgia. I still have my Timberlines , boots , and western gear. I just need to replace the merino , fleece shirts , and a new jacket. It’s not a huge deal really. I’m soo thankful I took my Swarovski ELs in the house. It was late when I got home from getting my stuff from the hunt club in Georgia. It was raining so I just grabbed a couple things and dashed into the house. I forgot to lock the truck and the next morning my truck had been gone through looking for guns and two big duffel bags full of clothes were gone. One of the benefits of living in the hood...
I'll echo what others have said. There will be aspen pockets down there that hold some deer, but also hold the hearts of many deer hunters. Glass the hell out of sage flats and other areas near aspen but not in it to turn up bigger deer. And I doubt you'll have to walk more than a couple miles ever, unless it's back to your vehicle on a road. Feel free to PM other questions too.
Thanks ! I need to do some research and I may ask you some questions once I have some ideas about whatever I find.
I’m getting a little excited about this hunt. It really wasn’t expected but I was just doing a five mile walk and thinking about it. Starting to sink in I’m going on a new adventure to someplace new. Going someplace new means no expectations of success to worry about. Just go explore and have a good time.