New Strings (needed) What to buy, where to source?

I’m about to take that same plunge and I think I’m gonna do Catfish Customs after some research. My shop orders them (I was considering ABB Launch) & they seem to have great reviews.
I just want to thank everybody here who has chimed in and give advise and direction. This is a great community.

After considering all mentioned here and also reading some other forums, Im pretty sure I have decided to go with Threadz. Im going to call and chat with them early next week when I have some time.

Feel free to keep the conversation going, it can only help serve others looking in the future!
I will say that when our archery club was putting together a fundraiser for CRWM last year that was on top of the $55k donation made, Catfish Customs was the only bowstring company who donated (two certificates for sets, I think), and one of the few who even responded.

@justin davis turned me onto Mike and the VEC99 material a few years ago, and they have outlasted other brands 3:1

The amount of bend the cams put on the cables are very prone to serving separation.

Shouldn't happen, just saying it does make it difficult. Anyone selling the strings should know which ones are problems.

Nah, Hoyts; my non-Turbo and Turbo both had really bad separation - might have just been a bad batch or maybe the quality control has declined who knows. I went with JBK for my last set and so far they've be doing well but time will tell