Wyoming Region C vs Region Y


Sep 24, 2018
Starting to think about a Mule Deer/Antelope hunt in the next year or two and given our circumstances we are looking at either Region C or Y in Wyoming. Right now we are leaning towards public land, knowing that access can be limited. Wanted to get everyone's thoughts on any experiences with each of these areas. Also, could someone confirm that BLM lands are considered public and don't require landowner permission.

Thanks for any insight you may have.
BLM is considered public. BUT, if the BLM is surrounded by private, you can not access the BLM across private roads.
Thanks Steve. I did understand that and want to make sure we are very respectful. I know in some other states where BLM land is present, if a rancher has a lease on it, they still have to grant access permission. I didn't know if that was the case in Wyoming.
I also realize there are many private roads that travel across BLM property. Are you permitted to travel these roads if they are accessible from a public road? I realize there are many variables to my question, but in general is what I am asking.
Yes , BLM roads are public , really they will be just 2 tracks.
Why C or Y, draw odds or season dates?
Thanks! Actually Both C and Y coincide location wise for our group and some other interests we have nearby. So it will be a multi faceted trip.
Hunting C this year private ranch, was out 2019 for antelope seen a bunch of mulies especially 4 decent bucks hope they are there this year will let you know how things went in late Oct. good luck on your hunt.
Did you hunt c?

That guy hasn't been back to this site since October of 2020. If you click on his name it will show you the last visited date.

Very common.

Good luck in C. It's doable. Get OnX and paper maps. Look for tough to get to pockets.
That guy hasn't been back to this site since October of 2020. If you click on his name it will show you the last visited date.

Very common.

Good luck in C. It's doable. Get OnX and paper maps. Look for tough to get to pockets.
Thanks man, what’s a good resource for paper maps? Does G&F have them available in their offices?? I know they do here in NM
Thanks man, what’s a good resource for paper maps? Does G&F have them available in their offices?? I know they do here in NM

Well, BLM used to sell maps. Hell if I can find them now. What a cluster. Buy OnX and use the laptop version to identify areas. Then down load those areas to your phone. Honestly, paper maps are just a way to look at the bigger picture, they are not necessary.
Im familiar w/ onX and I absolutely agree with the big picture, sometimes it really helps. Plus its a lot easier on the eyes.
Anyone have any luck in region C public ground this past year? I'm thinking the dry weather had a pretty hard impact.
Looking for any info this community may have on hunting a private ranch for a trespass fee in Region C. Coming from out of state, my group did draw tags this fall for C and we have a place booked to stay halfway between Gillette and Sheridan. None of us have hunted WY Region C before. We hunted Region A a couple years ago in nov and it appeared that the EHD was pretty rough on deer in the areas we hunted that year.
Why would you draw tags for a region and not have some sort of access plan ahead of time?

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We hunt public land. Just was throwing it out there if someone was willing to help out another hunter with a private land opportunity or at least the cost of a trespass fee hunt. If not, nbd. Its not surprising. I hunt for the venison, comradery, to see new places and meet new people all over this country.