Wyoming nonresident elk draw thread!

What in the actual F!!!. Put in with 2 buddys as a party . Both of them had 12 points . I had zero (i drew last year) That averages 8 points each. We even bought the special. For a general tag. Can someone tell me how we didnt draw ?
1- Application error
2-G&F error (Did you print your app?)

After someone I know had an app screw up by G&F (Early 201x's) he had a copy of application and G&F issued him tag for unit. (As he had enough points)

I always print my apps and file.
Just checked the 2022 odds... for my LE tag tag no one applied LAST YEAR with more points than I applied THIS YEAR and it was only an 80% chance at my level this year. That is creep.
We drew our type 6 tag now I need to get in shape and start scouting. Do I need to do anything different just hunting for cows that i would do if hunting for bulls?

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Shit for me and my dad two years in a row... I do type 1 special for our LE unit and then type 7. second year in a row I didn't draw anything. The first two times ever we didn't draw. Occasionally I've drawn both. Getting ugly
Drew a general with 5. First time hunting there, but I can say, WY has surely went the way of one or two hunts from here on out. Wow talk about insanity.
Drew 38-9 with 2 pts in the reg..I meant to withdraw my app. Forgot. Now not sure if I’ll even be able to hunt this tag with the Colorado deer tag I’ll have. Never draw anything I shouldn’t so probably should scrap my deer plans I guess
That is a damn nice draw! Congrats!
Drew my third choice for a raghorn bull in unit 123.
The wording on those tags seems interesting to me. I would think they would word it 5 pts or less on each antler or not more than 5 pts on any antler. Because to me saying 5pts or less on EITHER antler, leaves it open to someone saying well either this one or that one needs to be 5 points or less not both. So a 5x6 is just fine. . .

I felt their wording could be more clear when I looked at those changes. Congrats on the tag!
The wording on those tags seems interesting to me. I would think they would word it 5 pts or less on each antler or not more than 5 pts on any antler. Because to me saying 5pts or less on EITHER antler, leaves it open to someone saying well either this one or that one needs to be 5 points or less not both. So a 5x6 is just fine. . .

I felt their wording could be more clear when I looked at those changes. Congrats on the tag!
5x6 is a legal bull under the regulation.