Wyoming nonresident elk draw thread!

Maybe you should verify with your partners how many points they actually had. Do they know the points they had or are they just guessing?

Also in your other post you said you had 3 points. So was it 3 or was it 4?
4 points. Far as i know he has 4 as well. Its possible he has 3 but should be 4. My other post was an error with 3.
Either your math is suspect or you jacked your application is my guess...but, I also guess it couldn't have been your fault, you're never wrong.
Incorrect, YOU are never wrong. My app says i have 4 points. It also says i ONLY chose GEN for 1st choice. It also says unsuccessful. Maybe my partner didnt actually have 4. Cant say for sure.
Even if your partner only had 3, you still should have drawn in the special with an average of 3.5.
I see another person on here that didnt draw Special with 3.5 . He 100% has at least 3, and i think he has 4 like me.
Incorrect, YOU are never wrong. My app says i have 4 points. It also says i ONLY chose GEN for 1st choice. It also says unsuccessful. Maybe my partner didnt actually have 4. Cant say for sure.
He had to have only had 2 or less. That stinks but at least you know to double check future applications with him. Super easy to look up points.
The facts are now entering the discussion...sounds like you need to hate your friend, not the WYGF.
Nope, not a fact he didnt have 4, its a possibly he didnt. I am getting him to check. But it wont change your comments no matter what the "facts" are, It never does.
He had to have only had 2 or less. That stinks but at least you know to double check future applications with him. Super easy to look up points.
No, he has at least 3 100%. Depends on if he got a point last year or not. He is checking.
Nope, not a fact he didnt have 4, its a possibly he didnt. I am getting him to check. But it wont change your comments no matter what the "facts" are, It never does.
I'm a firm believer in Karma...just sayin'.

That's why I snagged my second bull moose tag in Wyoming since 2015 on a random draw this year on 1-130 odds.
I finally had a little luck on my side. Pulled a special gen tag with 3 pts. I went into it thinking that 3 pts would be about a 50/50 this year due to creep and it was pretty close to that. Good luck to all that drew.
Me and one other guy with same amount of points applied together.
That would mean you both had 4 and 100% would have drawn.
Either your buddy doesn’t have the points he said/thought or the application somehow wasn’t submitted correctly.
Everyone with 4 points drew in the special. Even <4 was 100%.