Wyoming draw


May 8, 2014
Glide, Or
Was just looking at Gohunts predicted 2025 draw odds for Antelope. Sitting on 6 NR points. Do you really need to apply in the special draw now to get a decent Antelope unit with more than 50% public land? Wyoming Antelope draw has really changed since I last hunted it in 2017.
There are a lot less antelope now, herds are hurting overall. More hunters, special price increase likely pushed more folks into the regular as well. A unit I hunted several times 5-6 years ago is now a 9 point unit, used to regularly be 2-3. Funny thing is, it's not a great tag, even back then.

You can still have a good hunt, just do the research, but it's not what it used to be. If residents keep pushing and get the 90/10 for deer/elk/antelope, odds are going to get a lot worse.
Thats rough. Gohunt predicts there are 6 rifle tags I could draw at 100% odds with greater than 50% public land, and none of them look too intriguing.

Prefer not to have to worry about private vs public, but may need to open up my options a bit with areas containing less public land. We have 4 tags in the family as a party and just want to go have a fun hunt.
Thats rough. Gohunt predicts there are 6 rifle tags I could draw at 100% odds with greater than 50% public land, and none of them look too intriguing.

Prefer not to have to worry about private vs public, but may need to open up my options a bit with areas containing less public land. We have 4 tags in the family as a party and just want to go have a fun hunt.
You may already know, and just used the wrong wording. However, GoHunt doesn't predict anything. They are simply giving you last years odds. There very well could be 0 tags this year that meet the above criteria.
don't discount easier to draw units with poor access. Bucks can be had, just need to be patient and wait for them to come on public. If you are wanting 80" plus, you probably won't find it on any unit for less than 12 points, but it can happen on any unit. Difference between a 76" buck that can be found on most units and 80", is not recognizable by most people. Go hunt while you can.
I think everyone has had to recalibrate their pronghorn expectations since 2019 or so after a few really bad winters and overall uptick in interest to hunt pronghorn. I’ve hunted everything from land navigation puzzle units to the red desert and the reality today is if I want to hunt more than once a decade then access asterisks is a requirement.

What it took to draw last year is a floor for next year, the odds will get worse so if you aren’t sitting on a few points of buffer or buying into the special tags you likely aren’t drawing in 2025.
I hunted in 2017 and did a 0 point unit, had a plan to max out on tags and bought 4 doe tags. Was the first time that unit sold out of buck tags. I had a monster antelope at 25 yards on opening morning but no buck tag. Great memory tho.

It is now a 2-3 point unit. Visited unit Oct 2023 after a guided antelope hunt couple hours west of there and did not see a single antelope or deer while making a pass thru. Was trying to draw a specific hunt and it kept going up, staying 1 pt ahead for a couple of years and we decided to go guided as opposed to wasting years waiting.

The game has changed a couple of ways - the winter kill and the $ game.

Me and the guys are collecting points again - maybe 1 more hunt. Seeing how the situation continues to change, may just do a guided hunt again. Might not. Who knows. Can do a cow elk for the same $ as an antelope hunt. Never shot an elk before.
Was just looking at Gohunts predicted 2025 draw odds for Antelope. Sitting on 6 NR points. Do you really need to apply in the special draw now to get a decent Antelope unit with more than 50% public land? Wyoming Antelope draw has really changed since I last hunted it in 2017.
Odds are pretty high you won't get a tag at 6 points even in special in a 50% public unit.

Big drought followed by die off. Antelope are looking pretty bad.

"How to" YouTubers and Instagrammers


Rough winter


All of the above.
Don't forget habitat loss/fragmentation and woody encroachment.

Just about everything is on the decline as far as opportunity and quality. The worst likely being pronghorn, caribou, and mule deer. The exceptions are whitetail deer, turkey* (although they've turned a corner for the worse), elk* (opportunity is still generally decreasing though), and bear.
Don't forget habitat loss/fragmentation and woody encroachment.

Just about everything is on the decline as far as opportunity and quality. The worst likely being pronghorn, caribou, and mule deer. The exceptions are whitetail deer, turkey* (although they've turned a corner for the worse), elk* (opportunity is still generally decreasing though), and bear.
Fake news bro.....
One more thing to consider with all Wyoming draw odds is that there are a bunch of people just saving points and not appearing in the draw odds. If/when the deer and antelope herds recover, draw odds will take a big jump when those people decide to apply.

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I think I’m back up to 6 points or so again, I’ve hunted speed goats a few times in WY and the tag we hunted with 3 points a number of years back takes around 8-9 now. I’ll probably wait it out until populations rebound a bit hopefully they make a quick recovery a few easy winters would be a big help
One more thing to consider with all Wyoming draw odds is that there are a bunch of people just saving points and not appearing in the draw odds. If/when the deer and antelope herds recover, draw odds will take a big jump when those people decide to apply.

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This is already happening. There are tons of dudes that jump in and screw up the perceived draw odds ever year.

Go Hunt, Eastmans and all the other folks don't predict anything. They just sell you data that you can get in a couple of minutes by spending a decent amount of time on the state websites.

I like Gohunt, and I don't have a problem using them as a research tool. But I wouldn't bank on their data.