Wyoming Antelope - neighboring units


Jan 31, 2017
Boise, Idaho
I'm trying to tread water lightly here, so I don't break any rules with Too much Unit information, so I apologize in advance if I do.

But over the last 10 years been fortunate to hunt 73 a couple of times and killed 2 nice bucks. I had access to a private ranch that I no longer have access to. First time got lucky and drew randomly, next time drew with 4 points.

There was lots of goats, and good access on the public and walk in areas, but I stuck to the private I had access too. I have enough points to draw the unit again if I choose to do the special drawing and pony up the money, but I can also draw 75 to the west that seems to have a bit more public ground. My general question is 73vs75 - is one necessary better than the other as far as access? Ill hunt hard and find goats - not too worried about that, I'm just curious if the extra public in 75 is worth trying vs 73? Seems the public is 75 is in bit larger chunks of ground.

We can take this offline and discuss via PM if need be, just trying to spend my $1215 wisely....