@Glockster26, what concerns me is that if the task force recommends full 90-10 for DEP and the special fee NR tags going to outfitters, that bill may very well pass. Might be enough resident support for that. Hicks made the comment during the task force meeting that none of these ideas in the grand compromise would pass as stand alone bills.
In talking with those of us that are really involved, we (Residents) are having a hard time with NR's getting kicked that hard.
While there's plenty of NR folks on this board and others that deserve no mercy, I think the outfitters have went wayyyyy too far. Also, IMO, its fundamentally wrong to show this level of favoritism to one industry via a set aside of a public asset.
If you were around at the start of this, all we originally asked for was 90-10 for the big-5. Non Residents went ape chit and joined forces with WOGA to kill those first couple bills we ran.
Out of the ashes of that dumpster fire, 90-10 got passed for the big-5 and now the NR's WOGA "friends" are more than willing to throw them under the bus in exchange for 90-10 if they get 40-50% of the remaining 10 percent.
Its going to come down to how many Residents WOGA can win over with the carrot of 90-10.
NR's should have played this one smarter from the beginning, but too late now.
I'll keep you posted.