They can issue tags but if all the lope are on private and there's little public land in the unit those who bought the tag are making nothing more than a donation to Wyoming Game and Fish and taking their rifle out for a drive. Only 14% of the Unit is public and a lot of that is surrounded by private.
Wyoming Game and Fish even states:
Much of the public land illustrated on maps is not accessible. The large tract of public land in the western portion of the hunt area is not suitable habitat. Although antelope occur here, they do so at low densities. The limited public land receives heavy hunting pressure resulting in high hunter densities. Gaining access to private lands is difficult, with many ranches leased to outfitters. Even for those willing to pay a trespass fee it is often difficult to find ranches that are taking new hunters. Hunting during the first week of the season is very congested so hunters coming later in the season will see less hunting pressure.