Would you give up your truck?

They will just freeze all your assets and shut off all your credit cards. You can keep the truck, won't do you any good with money.
I that they would do this to get compliance, in their minds I’m sure it would work right
? but I think in some portion of the population it would have a very opposite effect. After spending years studying COIN, People have no clue the kind of pain ( on both sides) all sides really that can be brought when folks have nothing to lose or you take things from them. Back an animal into a corner and find out I guess. And most of the dudes we were dealing with had little to no marksmanship training, no suppressor, no NVG, no thermals, no formal military training yet they hung around for 20 years and put up a hell of a fight. Local PD, nat guard, and even todays regular army would not fair very well fighting guys who understand insurgency very well
It's a thing...and if we don't want to get railroaded...we all need to pay attention.

There is a movement that just doesn't get hunting in the backcountry, Heck hunting in general, Legal Gunners, freedom to go and do what you want, gas appliances, Campfires...heck it goes on and on.

For some reason they think conforming to their own whacked view of their own nirvana is the same for everyone. How is that working out so far?
Yeah, no...

Makes me wanna buy a 75 Chevy 3/4, 454 with jacked up Rochester that spits out raw fuel. 😆