Would a side arm be necessary? Also what caliber?

I usually take my 9mm. I walked up on a sow black bear with 2 cubs in a timber stand last year and was glad I had it. There’s also too many crazy people out in the middle of nowhere (especially hunting near reservations) and I’m not trying to become the next victim of a Deliverance-like situation.
I carry everywhere I go. I have never needed to use my handguns, but my brother did once in Colorado. Four black cats tried mugging him and a buddy when they came out of a check cashing place. Those cats turned and ran when he pulled out his handgun.
Let's hear some stories about a time you actually had to use your sidearm while in the woods, besides just being glad you had it. This could take a while...I'll wait.

27 fatal cougar attacks in the last 100 years in North America, more than half were chlidren.

Here's one. Not in Colorado, but if anyone wants to see a pretty graphic example of a sidearm saving a hunter's life from a predator, that's your guy. As has been mentioned several times on here, humans are probably a bigger concern than animals in western CO. Going for a quick trip down the "missing hunter" google rabbit hole is a worthwhile exercise every once in a while.
I’m always surprised when I stumble on some sketchy-type people while out deep in the mountains. Haven’t had a problem but I’m always glad to have my little g26 in my back pocket.
We have a lot of ranchers keep cattle up in the forest for the summer. You get kinda used to them. Every once in a while though you have a quick realization as you round the corner that the cute little black calf is actually a pretty good sized bear...
Probably unnecessary, but hey why not carry if you can..
I do not carry a side arm hunting, fishing or hiking in any state. I used to carry a wheel gun in griz territory but now only spray. I carry neither in Colorado. Caliber big enough to stop a grizzly is too heavy to be carrying all the time. If I did feel the need to carry it would be a revolver - just safer in my opinion. With Bino Harness,no way to strap to chest. MR backpack belt will accommodate a holster but I carry a bow hook or sling on one side and use a trekking pole on another.
never know what you may run into in the woods. a bow is not a self defense weapon and quite useless when you're cleaning/packing an animal. live and learn but i always have an lcp on me if not something bigger.

fwiw, when you're in thick cover cutting up an animal and you hear a chainsaw start up way off in the distance, that's a good time to stop what you're doing and re-evaluate your situation...cause that ain't no chainsaw and it's much closer than you thought.

yeah, 95% of the time they take off running but when you see an animal thinking about whether or not he can take you, that's a bad time to fumble around with an arrow, release and find your bow.

I'm Confused on the chainsaw???
Nope but I ski there a lot. Why do you ask?

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I spent a lot of time in the Boat from 1965-2015, my Parents bought a couple of acres near Fish Creek where we built a small home. I worked at Thunderhead for a winter and I’ve still got an old friend who works for mountain maintenance. Just curious.
Here's one. Not in Colorado, but if anyone wants to see a pretty graphic example of a sidearm saving a hunter's life from a predator, that's your guy. As has been mentioned several times on here, humans are probably a bigger concern than animals in western CO. Going for a quick trip down the "missing hunter" google rabbit hole is a worthwhile exercise every once in a while.
Huh? I’ve lived my whole life in Western Colorado and never had an issue with people out in the woods.
Huh? I’ve lived my whole life in Western Colorado and never had an issue with people out in the woods.

Certainly not saying anything specifically about that area other than that it's never a bad idea to have a plan if you do run into someone sketch. Never having used the seatbelt in my car isn't a good reason not to wear it.
Personally, I think a guy is safer in the woods that driving a busy freeway or walking around in a big city...

....but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

I'm Confused on the chainsaw???

Bob cat looking to tear my meat up. my ear and brain hear chainsaw way off in the distance. it was 25 feet and just the other side of the thick brush i was cutting an elk up in. in hindsight it didn't sound that close to a saw but i wasn't expecting to be challenged for the meat. guess he was hungry.

i've had mtn lion and coyotes come too close when butchering an animal. i like my personal space when i'm focused on a task.
Anyone else carry a revolver that shoots 45 or .410 shotgun like the S&W Governor or Taurus Judge? I like the .410 for shooting grouse when we rifle hunt later in the season.
Bob cat looking to tear my meat up. my ear and brain hear chainsaw way off in the distance. it was 25 feet and just the other side of the thick brush i was cutting an elk up in. in hindsight it didn't sound that close to a saw but i wasn't expecting to be challenged for the meat. guess he was hungry.

i've had mtn lion and coyotes come too close when butchering an animal. i like my personal space when i'm focused on a task.

sound like this?
reminded me of this but more consistent. never saw it though the brush but it was there for about a minute doing this. the paw size looked like a huge bob cat or small cougar. either way, i stood tall, got big and made lots of noise. this was during the rifle hunt and my gun was 15' away unloaded on the pack. not a great feeling but hardly the worst scenario.

I spent a lot of time in the Boat from 1965-2015, my Parents bought a couple of acres near Fish Creek where we built a small home. I worked at Thunderhead for a winter and I’ve still got an old friend who works for mountain maintenance. Just curious.

Awesome! I live very close to Fish Creek as well. A couple acres huh? That is awesome. Did you ever hunt out here?

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Awesome! I live very close to Fish Creek as well. A couple acres huh? That is awesome. Did you ever hunt out here?

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I shot my first archery bull elk just above the runaway truck ramp,
that would have been 1986. My Parents retired to Steamboat and lived there for 23 years until they couldn’t handle stairs and shoveling anymore. The place was on Anglers drive, wish we could have kept it in the family.
I shot my first archery bull elk just above the runaway truck ramp,
that would have been 1986. My Parents retired to Steamboat and lived there for 23 years until they couldn’t handle stairs and shoveling anymore. The place was on Anglers drive, wish we could have kept it in the family.

My buddy shot a bull up there a couple years ago. Nice chatting and good luck this fall!