Would a side arm be necessary? Also what caliber?

Sometimes I carry while bowhunting. I find myself carrying a sidearm all the time while hiking or scouting the summer months. I just carry either my FN 9mm or Glock 9mm.
I carry in Colorado and other states when I am by myself. Between cats, bears and weird dudes, I feel it is the smart thing to do. I sleep better with than without. I carry either a 10mm or a 45 depending on where I am. I am considering buying a light 9mm to save some weight.
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When elk hunting in CO I carry bear spray in a container on my hip belt. Have had an opportunity to use it once, which did not materialize.

When archery bear hunting in CO I carry a pistol and bear spray on my hip belt. (Started carrying a pistol while bear hunting after a friend of mine had an errant/deflected arrow miss the mark and turn a bear angry; he finished it with his pistol. Not my experience, but relatable.)

When packing meat in CO, I now carry a pistol and bear spray on my hip belt. Have had an opportunity to use either one a couple of times, neither of which materialized, thankfully. (Started carrying a pistol while packing meat after a bear or mountain lion relocated an elk carcass after it was quartered using the gutless method; interesting experience for sure).

Carry what makes you feel comfortable for the activity you are doing.
I've only got three seasons of Colorado/western hunting experience so I an still a newbie too but...

You will probably sleep better if you have it (especially if you are solo) but after a few days/miles you'll start to wonder if you really need the extra 2+ pounds on your belt.

I will carry if I'm solo. If i am in a group there might be one handgun between us.
I feel like the following applies:
“Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it”

I would think if you’re concerned about the little extra weight of a pistol or not, might need to re-evaluate some other things overall...

Black bears can do some odd things sometimes, and I just don’t trust a cat. Not even a house cat! Lol
Not necessary at all. The only thing I ever carried a handgun for in non grizzly country is to load it with bird shot rounds to shoot grouse.
I always carry while hunting or scouting. I've had many encounters with bears and Mtn Lions. Had a good stand off with a big Tom Mtn Lion while archery hunting in 2018 he was about 25-30 yards when we spotted each other. Gun was drawn but I wasn't going to kill him just for being a Mtn Lion, we had a conversation and I told him if things went down it wasn't going to be good for him, I had the high ground on him.
I haven't read any of the other posts in this thread, but based on the topic I'm sure everyone is 100% in agreement on this one!

These threads are too funny! Carry whatever you want to make yourself feel comfortable in the woods. I hunt a high predator area with grizz, lions, and wolves. I carry a sidearm while archery hunting, scouting, and camping, and bear spray year round.
I am much more concerned with bad acting people than critters. I've bumped into a few black bears archery hunting in CO, and one was close enough that I was wishing I had a gun. I carry in town, and I carry in the woods. I would imagine you could go your whole life here without needing your pistol though.
There are things that go bump in the night that mess with your head when out solo. Having a pistol by the sleeping bag helps me to sleep at night. I guess it is like my security blanket. I wouldn't go out and buy a ten pound big bore revolver if I were you. Carry your 9mm if you want to carry something and reevaluate after this trip if you think it was worth the weight or not.
I would carry but I'd advise picking up a Kenai chest rig to carry it in. That weight on your hip with a belt on a pack may or may not work well. For me, my pack and body shape I can't carry a handgun on my pants belt if I want to use the belt on my pack. The Kenai chest rig is perfect. I'd probably carry something with a full size barrel over a compact more daily CCW type firearm. If you end up needing it you want to drive those 9mm bullets to top velocity in the woods and you should have a 5" barrel to do it.
I had a black bear claim an elk carcass a couple years ago. I ran him off but he returned and kept walking towards me as I was shouting at him. A 9mm round in the dirt in front of him changed his mind.

I like the peace of mind that comes with a compact 9 like my shield even if it isn't griz country.