
Back Squat for load:
#1: 15 reps
#2: 12 reps
#3: 9 reps
#4: 6 reps
#5: 3 reps

Tabata Tuesday!!
8 Rounds: 20 sec Work, 10 sec Rest
Russian KB/DB Swings
-Rest 1 min -
8 Rounds: 20 sec Work, 10 sec Rest
V- Ups OR Plank Hold
-Rest 1 min -
8 Rounds: 20 sec Work, 10 sec Rest
Burpees OR Kickbacks OR Elevated Burpees

This workout is 14 minutes long with the rest. Each 8 Round section is 4 minutes. Go as hard as you can during each 20 sec of work.
12 minute EMOM:
Minutes 1-3: 3 hang snatches @ 70%
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5-7: 2 hang snatches @ 80%
Minute 8: Rest
Minute 9-12: 1 hang snatch @ 85%+

8 minute AMRAP:
-8 alternating single arm DB snatches
-8 single arm overhead DB lunges (switch arms each rd)
-8 burpees over the DB

2 rounds:
-10 x weighted GHD back extensions
-10 x GHD reveres hypers
-10 x pallof press