
6 miles (700') snowshoeing with Tiny Elvis

hmmm— 75° on the beach or 3° on snowshoes?????


5 rounds (no rest)
Suitcase carry x50 ft R
Band OHP x20R
Suitcase carry x50 ft L
Band OHP x20L
Suitcase carry x50 ft R
Band squats x10
Suitcase carry x50 ft L
KB rows x10R/10L
Suitcase carry x50ft R
Band good mornings x10
Suitcase carry x50 ft L

1 hour jiu jitsu

1.5 mile walk with Chuck
6 miles (700') snowshoeing with Tiny Elvis

hmmm— 75° on the beach or 3° on snowshoes?????



This time of year, I picking 75° on the beach all day long! It’s kind of funny because I was thinking this exact same thing as I put in a 5 mile hike today while kicking snow out from underneath my Kahtoola’s every ninth or tenth step.

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Skipped a few workouts last two weeks due to a two day fishing tournament, and prefishing for it (I dont see how pros do it, 4 days in a row on the lake kill my legs). Then an out of town tournament the next week. Picked back up Sunday where I should be on the schedule with 16miler (10 at marathon pace). Supposedly there shouldn't be any change in performance if you complete 90%+ of the plan. The mileage missed puts me at around 5%. No more out of town trips or multiday tournaments between now and race day, so hopefully nothing comes up. I beat myself up over it, but keep telling myself I'm in it for fun and proving to myself that I can, and I'm not an elite or even trying to BQ,, so no need to beat myself up over it. I can say that I missed it, even though I dread the time it takes lol
5 sets of:
Back Squat x 5-6 reps @ 20X1
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

*Set terminates when you cannot maintain quality form, fail the rep, or have to take more than 1 breath at the top of each rep.

Three sets for max calories and reps of:
45 seconds of Bike
Rest 75 seconds
45 seconds of Wall Ball Shots
Rest 75 seconds
45 seconds of Rowing
Rest 75 seconds
Military press deload yesterday, then 2 miles on the treadmill. Then got a couple miles in hunting limb chickens yesterday afternoon.

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Nice work, living up to your username!

10 minute EMOM:
-Minutes 1 & 2: 3 hang snatches @ 75%
-Minute 3: rest
-Minutes 4 & 5: 2 hang snatches @ 80%
-Minute 6: rest
-Minutes 7 - 10: 1 hang snatch @ 85%+

10 minute AMRAP:
-50 alternating DB hang snatches
-40 toes to bar
-30 windmill slam balls
-20 skater hops
-max cal row in remaining time

3 rounds:
10 weighted GHD back extensions
15 GHD reverse hypers