
Jun 27, 2019
The Boot
Ill play along this last 30 days of prep.....

5 Supersets of 5 hang cleans and 5 deadlifts. Dont let go of the bar between HC and DL.

Ive done this weekly for the last 8 months just to keep a baseline on cardio......

5 rounds of
4:00 Assault Bike - no hands, all legs. Dont touch the handles.
2:00 to complete 40 push ups....rest with extra time. Faster you finish, more rest.

If you dont complete the 40, deduct each push up missed from total Cals. Finish the 40.

Score is Calories. I try to hit 10-11 cals per min. 200 is baseline. Today was 228. PR is 237.

224 today. Just never had the extra gear, but kept a pace.

Inside 2 weeks. Finish strong.