
Smoke at home is hazy, but not horrible. Basically just drift from Oregon.
Missoula on the other hand is significantly worse. They are getting it from the Bitterroot, Southern Idaho and Oregon. Gotta love a town at the confluence of 5 valleys.

Even centuries ago, Native Americans evidently called it the valley of a thousand smokes :D
Every 1:15 for 10 rounds
-3 box jumps @ 30" + 1 power clean & 3 split jerks, building from 60%

2 minutes at each station for max reps or cals/ 15 seconds rest between station
-assault bike
-push jerks @ 115#
-ski erg
-power cleans 115#

2 rounds:
-10 tempo GHD back extensions
-10R/10L pallof press
-10 GHD reverse hypers
Sorry I went MIA gentlemen, clearly y’all are having more fun than I. Still packing/loading and working. Still getting in short workouts nothing like this group.
I’ll get back on track soon just bear with me until we close on the sale of our home. Still looking for old school gym, but down here it’s either a “ no judgement” place or a mortgage payment to lift weights. I’ll find something that fits.
Keep up the great work and good luck in the backcountry
Getting back into the swing of lifting again after a layoff with weights
Warm up
Pull Up Ladder to 7

4 sets, no rest
Bench- 45/95/135/175 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/55 x 10
Push Up- x 15
DB Curls- 15/20/25/25s x 10

4 sets, no rest
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Jump Squat/Scissor Lunge/Box Jumps- x 5ea
I'm trying something a little new—a thread from awhile back discussing muscular endurance https://rokslide.com/forums/threads/muscular-endurance-for-mountain-athletes.371086/

Basically finding a steep ass slope and hiking it w/ ~ 25% of your weight on your back AND keeping your heart rate in Zone 2. The idea is to throughly fatigue the muscles, not the cardio system. Taken from Uphill Athlete (and others) who have a pretty good idea on what works in the mountains. Their take is doing this once or twice a week for a month or so before whatever it is you're getting ready for.

Soooo... 5 miles today (w/ Tiny Elvis- no extra weight for him!) and ~ 1400' of gain, the gain all coming in the first 3/4 miles—using 45# pack.

I had to make a conscious effort to keep the heart rate in Zone 2—I kept it right at the edge of 2 & 3. A little over 40 minutes to go 3/4 of mile :D

I'll give it another shot in a few days.