Today I went 35 minutes on the stepper , 1570 steps for 98 flights of stairs . YAY ! LOL
Then bicep curls , tricep presses , lat pulls and seated rows .
Followed by hammer crunches and ab crunches .
4 miles (600') with my wife and Tiny Elvis- definitely felt more like Winter than Spring today- hovering around freezing with a pretty stiff wind, beats heat though
7 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185/225/275/325 x 15/15/15/15/5/5/5
Good Morning- 45 x 7
Plyos(jump squat/box jump/scissor lunge)- x 5ea
Farmer’s Carry- 45/50/75/75/75/75/75s
Gym day , 97 flights , 1548 steps . Ab and Hammer crunches . Lat pulls , tricep presses and extensions , seated row , bicep curls .
Knees felt better and I'm down a couple pounds .