
6 miles (1200') early with my wife and Tiny Elvis- cloudy day and NOT in the 90's!

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Pre exhaust front pull downs

T bar front pulldown 20/15/10/8/15
Barbell bent over row 18/15/12/10/15
Seated low row 15/12/10/10

Seated cable rear delt flys 4x15/20 descend
Bent over db rear shrug 3x15 slow

Seated db curl 25/15/15/12
Concentration curl 20/15/15/10

Wednesday-2 mile speed ruck 60# pack
Got to trailhead last night, walked till dark, walked some more in the dark with my headlamp, made camp, woke up, and grinded the rest out.

I cant compensate for the altitude, but i feel like this has gotten me as close to "ready" as i know how to get. September is coming!

Total 19.9 miles
3688 feet of elevation
Benton Mackaye trail, North Ga
Day off… My wife, youngest and I did a 9mi. loop. Climbed a peak and went by several lakes. Climbed over 3000vert. It was actually cold on the ridge. Low 50s and windy AF. Didn’t glass the drainage I wanted to for very long. Saw a cow and calf moose on the way out. It’s turning fall for sure.
Don’t laugh at the moose pic. That’s me putting my phone up to my 10s, balanced on my walking stick, balanced on a log.
Got to trailhead last night, walked till dark, walked some more in the dark with my headlamp, made camp, woke up, and grinded the rest out.

I cant compensate for the altitude, but i feel like this has gotten me as close to "ready" as i know how to get. September is coming!

Total 19.9 miles
3688 feet of elevation
Benton Mackaye trail, North Ga
You’ve been putting the miles on man.