Got my second round of the dang covids for Christmas and havent exactly been up for a workout. 5 day cornteen ends tomorrow but not supposed to be out unmasked for another 5 after that so no gym for a bit. Will prolly try a light to moderate something today here at the house.
strength train today, starting on a new 4 week cycle and if if today's session is any indication, it bodes pretty well- on my 5+ Sets I got 9 reps on my squats and 10 on my bench
squats 5/3/1+ @ 65/75/85% OF 1RM
bench 5/3/1+ @ 65/75/85% OF 1RM
pullups 21/18/15
dips 2x30
Only about 3 miles today without much elevation gain on a fairly well packed trail, so no need for snow shoes, then a nice little ice climbing in the canyon. Temps were only in the single digits, but much nicer than the -teens of a couple weeks ago.
Partner WOD
Switch after every round
20 rounds
3 bar muscle ups or strict chest to bar
6 box jumps
9 pushups
12 alternating DB hang snatch 50#
100 ft prowler push 100#