Squat, deadlift, incline bench 135lb x15rep
1 round mini leg blaster
18” box step ups holding 20lb dumbbells
for 2 sets of 20
Finished up 1/2mile on the treadmill 15degree incline at 2mph (sucked good)
4x15/failure hypertrophy
3 sec eccentric all movements
Reverse grip smith press #205
Standing preacher DC
Nose breakers with preacher (2 sec concentric)
Incline db wide curl
Cable kickback
1:00 rest
12 days of Christmas Wod
1. 100m run
2 power clean
3 burpee to plate
4 db push jerk
5 toes to bar
6 hand release push up
7 plate ground to over head
8 wall balls
9 deadlift #135
10 walking lunge
11 db thrusters
12 chest to bar
living in N.E Ohio I have to drive about an hour to get to moderate hills. So I did my basement stairs today up and down 100x, with a 25lb pack. That’s 750’ of elevation gain and loss in 45 minutes. Best I can do for my area.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!