Around 3 miles/day 600 elev 20# pack. Seeing and hearing elk. They’re seeing and hearing me.Sage and juniper ridges is a tough bow hunt. 100 yd closest so far.
4 rounds progressive overload
12-15/ failure
Last circuit drop sets
2x30 5sec tri push downs warm up
rev close grip bench 135-225
Incline preacher rev grip curls to drag curl
Cable incline nose breakers to flat nose breakers
Incline db curls
Single arm db incline curl
I finally got the 100 pushup/50 pullup 5 minutes challenge with lots of time to spare (9 seconds )
then 6 miles on the dreadmill- 3 miles at 1% and 3 miles at 15%, same pace as yesterday- hate to admit because I hate treadmills, but it was a pretty good workout
Modified another Can't hit em
Partner WOD
12 rounds
4 devil press 35#
8 box jumps
12 cal row
100 50# box step ups, partner does abmat while other does step ups
Well I had a great weekend in Missoula- wonderful birthday part for my granddaughter Saturday and then got to watch my Griz beat up Western Illinois 42-7 for their home opener (they stunned #20 ranked Washington (FBS) the weekend before!!!!). This morning my wife, Tiny Elvis and I got up early and bagged Mount Sentinel- 6 miles and 2000' gain in the first 3 miles.
The forest shutdown in CA screwed my bow season, hunted this weekend in new spots that only my bear tag was good in , beautiful but skunked. Still great to be outside. Not a ton of miles but alot of elevation gain