
an absolutely brutal two day, 24 mile snowshoe trip in the Elkhorn Mtns, will post a couple of pics tomorrow
3 mile run at a pretty good clip. 30 minute kettlebell and core workout. Really liking the kettlebells, have only been using them a month or so now.




10 Minute AMRAP
50 Double-unders
15 Wall Balls
5 Power Cleans, 65% 1RM Power Clean

2 Minute Rest

10 Minute AMRAP
15 T2B
15 Push-ups
5 Squat Cleans, same weight as part A
Max distance handstand walk
Max set Handstand push ups

5min AMRAP
50 cal row
Handstand push ups
rest 2min
5min AMRAP
50 cal row
hanging squat cleans 135#
2min rest
5 min AMRAP
50 cal row
Chest to bar pull ups
2min rest
5 min AMRAP
50 cal row

Only row the 50 cals then get as many of the other exercise as you can in time remaining
3 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny E

Tiny Elvis is closing in on a 1000 miles for the year, not too shabby for a little guy :D
12 minute emom , alternating minutes
Odd: 3 front squats
Even: 6 back squats
@ 60% of front squat (6 rds each)

5min amrap
100 DU buy in
12 power snatch #75
4 burpee box jumps

5 min rest

5 min amrap
100 du buy in
8 power snatch #95
4 burpee box jumps

1 mile run #20 vest
10 Minute EMOM
3 Squat Snatches @ 70-75% 1RM

2 Rounds for Time:
25 Power Snatches 75 lbs
20 Alternating Front Rack Lunges 75 lbs
15 Burpees
buudy is town for meetings to help setup a framework for grizzly management now that we have control again

nice 5- ish mile run with lamps on, Tiny E accompanied too
With a partner:
Each partner does 1 complete round while the other rests...

12:00 AMRAP
12 Cal Bike
8 Dball Squats, 100 lb
8 Shuttle Runs 25'

right into...

12:00 AMRAP
8 Box Jump Overs 24" (hands on/hands off box)
8 Slam Balls 30 lbs
8 V-ups
8 Shuttle Runs 25'
finish the round you are on at the 12min mark before rotating amrap stations
hit the gym this morning

deadlifts 3/3/3+/10, overhead press 3/3/3+/10, lunges 3x50 yds, chin-ups 3x12, core
E2MOM 20mins
3 Front Squats, increase load every set

For time
10 Deadlift 275#
15 chest to bar pull ups
20 45# plate OH walking lunge
10 Deadlift
20 45# plate OH walking lunge
15 chest to bar pull ups
10 deadlift
Barbell cycling 3min amrap
9- power snatch
15- power clean
21- push jerk
OH squats with remaining time


5rds beginning every 5 min
20 box jumps
15 pullups
100m med ball sprint

Handstand walk practice
Work up to 2 rep PR on deadlift
250 jump rope (buy-in)

5 rds
10 decline ring push-ups
10 pull-ups
5 ring dips

250 jump rope (buy-out)
Every 1:30 x 8 Rounds:
Building in Weight:
Power Clean +1 Strict shoulder press +
2 push press + 3 push jerk +
4 thrusters

For time:
15 Dual Dumbbell Clean and Press
30 Cal Bike
60 DU
30 Cal Row
15 Dual Dumbbell Clean and Press