
Teams of 3 10 Min amrap
100 KB swings 53#
100KB Snatches 53#
15cal bike someone is always on the bike amrap bike for score

5 min rest
10 min amrap
100 DB Snatches 50#
100 Burpees
20 cal row
Same as above. For score
12 mile run this morning, a little over 3000' of gain- it's the loop I'll be running in two weeks at my 12 hour race; at least I know I can get one loop in anyways :D
Relaxing time in the Sierra’s got a few miles in with the family


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this 12 hour race is run in a figure 8- the first loop is 8 miles, the second 4 miles- the aid station will be at the intersection of the two loops- Tiny E and I did the 8 mile loop today- at a fast walk we did it in 2:15, yesterday running it 1:30- good info to have later in the night me thinks
For Time: 500M Row

5 rounds for Time:
5 Right Arm Push Press, 50 lb dumbbell
5 Right Arm Overhead lunge steps, 50 lb dumbbell
5 Left Arm Push Press, 50 lb dumbbell
5 Left Arm Overhead lunge steps, 50 lb dumbbell
15 wallballs, 20 lbs
1 minute rest

Tabata L-Sits
Back squats work to 1x5 max effort then -10% for 2x5

15 min amrap

200m run
21-deadlifts #135
15- bar over burpee
9 -push press #135

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EMOM x 10: Alt Min
- 3 Deadlifts @ 315
- 5L/5R Single Leg Weighted Lateral Step Ups, 24" Box

For time:
25 deadlifts 225/185
25 box jump overs, 24"
250m run
10 burpee box jump overs, 24"
25 Minute EMOM, alternating

15 calorie row/ski/bike alternating
15 Toes2Bar
6 Power Snatches, 60% 1RM
10 Burpees over the Bar
well almost seemed like I needed directions to get to the gym :) squats 5/5/5, bench 5/5/5, pull-ups 3x11, dips 3x30, core
Muscular Imbalance work today

Every 90 sec for 18 min (3 sets) choose your weight
1) snatch grip Romanian deads x8
2)alternating Cossack squat x12
3)supinated pull ups x max
4) L sit heel taps x12 each leg

4 rounds for time
100m farmer carry #53 kb each hand
10 target burpee

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