I wouldn't recommend just trying one. It is a complex movement and takes a lot of strength, balance and mobility through the torso and shoulders. It is a really, really good way to injure a shoulder. I've got some shoulder issues that don't bother me if I take care of them. I won't even do OH squats with a 45# bar.
It's been a 6+ year process for me, slowly getting a little better and more flexible week by week. I still have to warm up and mobilize really well before I undertake them. In order to progress in Olympic lifting (especially the snatch) it's a necessary skill to acquire, but it still feels awkward as heck more often than not. Squats and thrusters will work mostly the same muscles with less hassle and shoulder strain...
WOD for today had about 500 ft of weighted walking lunges so I opted for my own. Went shed hunting and walked a ton. Didn’t find any but it was 65 degrees and I was in the woods. Best WOD in weeks!!!!