The Just say no is very true, even reading this thread you can see how many people are buying a vehicle just because its a perceived good deal......reality is there has never in the history of automotive dealers been a "good deal" for the consumer on a new truck.
The dealers that are buying used trucks at top dollar are simply trying to get rid of private sales which normally would keep truck prices much more competitive. Your local dealer (and manufacturer) now controls the entire market new and used and don't think they haven't realized this. Also, the sale of the rig is only the beginning, there is an enormous amount of money made in financing and accessories. Now you can finance a set of wheels and tires for "only $17 a month added to the payment using our great financing!"etc. At some point this will all implode, people are over extended and buying new vehicles that won't be worth anything while they are still making payments, the used trucks being bought by dealers will be sitting because the banks won't loan crazy money anymore on a 3yr old truck with 90,000mi on the clock. The auto industry is creating their own problem and has been taught that even when they fail the govt will be there to get them back on their feet. Add powersports to this too, banks are playing a dangerous game loaning out money on goods that are essentially going to be worn out during the life of the loan. They are hoping you keep trading up while the stuff is still worth something, but eventually people will just need to keep what they have.
If you get talked into trading a perfectly good vehicle for a new one right now thinking you are getting an awesome deal, you just have weak sales resistance......even if your sales person appears to be a "real straight shooter"