Will Vaccines be required to travel to Ak this fall?

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Sep 9, 2019
I don't think that would go over well. HIPAA protects the privacy of your medical records, and I think there would be a lot of pushback about private companies denying service without access to your medical records.


Sep 9, 2020
You really are that clueless. And flat wrong. The CDC itself on its website says it keeps you from getting sick from COViD...meaning it reduces the effects. That means you can still get it. If one can still get it then they can still transmit it. THERE ARE REAL WORLD EXAMPLES OFNIT HAPPENING. This is a indisputable fact. You can ignore the facts all you want to. You only make yourself look dumb by doing so. But as I said, not going to change someone’s mind like yours no matter if the facts slap them in the face so I’m out from here on out.

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From the CDC -
Can a person who has receive the covid-19 vaccine still spread covid-19?

"At this time, we do not know if COVID-19 vaccination will have any effect on preventing transmission. Some people can be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 but remain asymptomatic. It is important to know whether COVID-19 vaccines can help reduce the number of people that have asymptomatic infection as these people can unknowingly spread the virus to others.
CDC will further assess the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines after they are approved or authorized for emergency use by FDA and recommended for public use. A special type of cohort study will try to answer the question about whether vaccinated persons can develop asymptomatic infections and spread the virus to others. People who agree to participate will be tested for COVID-19 every week, whether they have symptoms or not. Experts will then compare the proportion of people with infection who were vaccinated to the proportion of people with infection who were not vaccinated."

They don't know because it has not been studied. They cannot say based on some guy's brother reporting it have happened to him because that was controlled for nothing and as I pointed out earlier to actually study transmission takes an extremely controlled environment.
Some people that get the vaccine will not develop antibodies. Those people will be able to get and transmit the virus despite the vaccine because it didn't work for them. The people with antibodies on the other hand, while not studied, are unlikely to transmit if we take a clue from every other vaccine ever.

There are no real world examples I can find of anti-body positive people transmitting to other people, again, as in my example, that's not possible to study in the wild. It has to be in a very controlled lab setting. If you know of such a study, I'd love to see it. So would the CDC.

Saying we don't know is not the same as a yes or a no.

So the answer to can you get Covid after the vaccine is yes, it's not 100% effective, no vaccine is.
Can you then transmit it if you don't have antibodies(vaccine was not effective for you)? Yes you can get it and will transmit it if infected.
Can you transmit Covid if you have antibodies? We don't know, but based on every other vaccine, the best guess would be no.

If the latter ends up being a yes, then these vaccines will have been a complete failure. But based on the dramatically falling infection rate since vaccine rollout, it looks like that's not the case. But we don't know yet.


Jun 12, 2020
But also refuse non-vaccinated people medical care for covid. Problem solved for everyone.

Do you have any Earthly idea how EFF'd up what you just said is? And how out of touch it is?

It's not just a cut and dry issue like that. There are many folks where the risks posed by such a vaccine would make forcing them to subject themselves to it potentially be very bad. And thus, unethical. With what you're saying here ... it translates into "EFF those guys!" with social impunity. I know you likely don't mean it *that* way. But that does come along with the unthinking cut-and-dry statement you've made here.


Sep 9, 2020
Do you have any Earthly idea how EFF'd up what you just said is? And how out of touch it is?

It's not just a cut and dry issue like that. There are many folks where the risks posed by such a vaccine would make forcing them to subject themselves to it potentially be very bad. And thus, unethical. With what you're saying here ... it translates into "EFF those guys!" with social impunity. I know you likely don't mean it *that* way. But that does come along with the unthinking cut-and-dry statement you've made here.
The horror of people making extremely stupid choices and then having to live with them. I'm a fan of Darwin awards. Like all the people that died this summer denying covid even exists on their death bed. That's a Darwin award.
I want people to be free to make their own choices, but one also needs to suffer/succeed from the consequences of them, especially when their choices end up effecting so many.

Obviously that'll never happen, but should it, you'd have to exempt the immune-compromised and allergic, etc.
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Jun 12, 2020
The horror of people making extremely stupid choices and then having to live with them. I'm a fan of Darwin awards.

Abvisouly that'll never happen, but should it, you'd have to exempt the immune-compromised and allergic, etc.
I'm assuming then you're not a fan of Freedom.. or Rights? Having the ability to make your own choices regarding yourself?

Why would you in any way shape or form begrudgingly hold any glimmer of feelings such as those towards another human being for choosing differently than you? See my prior post. At worst... they die... and YOU have one less problem to deal with... Right? So why all the animosity "Bro-seph"?


Sep 9, 2020
I'm assuming then you're not a fan of Freedom.. or Rights? Having the ability to make your own choices regarding yourself?

Why would you in any way shape or form begrudgingly hold any glimmer of feelings such as those towards another human being for choosing differently than you? See my prior post. At worst... they die... and YOU have one less problem to deal with... Right? So why all the animosity "Bro-seph"?
No I want them to be able to make that choice. But you cannot have freedom and freedom from all consequences of your actions. They go together.
All I'm saying is if you make a lethal choice, with a mountain of evidence it's a bad one, don't come crying to someone to save you.


Jun 12, 2020
RE: "Don't come crying to someone to save you."

Why not? We've certainly seen the powers at be go to great lengths to obfuscate the truth in this matter. My case was one of the harsh ones. But most others... such as watching my little family Mama and the Boy also going thru it... for them it was just like a typical strong Flu. Yeah it was hard on them too, but not anywhere NEAR the heinous ordeal I went thru. Just like what you'd expect from like a "strong Flu" and that's that.

And... when you look at the numbers... even with how they are purposefully inflated.. (hospitals quickly figuring out they get more Federal relief money if they can attribute everything to CoVID) it's a very low risk thing. They like to cause fear and panic by citing scary sounding numbers like multiple 100's of thousands dying from complications. But it's like... yo... do the Math man... outta 325Mil it's still like only 0.00##? percent of the population. Shits not that serious. It only becomes serious if you have hypertension like me... are prone to having colds turn into persistent bronchitis like me, etc. (I grew up in an area of questionable air quality, near to two oil refineries) But like.. for myself... wasn't my first rodeo with the "cascade of events" this thing caused in terms of your bronchii. Been thru it all before so I knew what was beginning to go down so acted quickly on acquiring the meds to help with the symptoms, and skewed my nutrition towards attacking it and lowering mucus production as best as possible.

The only long-term bad things from it for me... are that the crazy high inflammation it invoked upon initial uptake seems to have cause damage to areas of prior injury in my lumbar/saccral/hip regions. And that will likely require some surgical intervention I'm pretty sure. That.. and I can feel I'm still not straight in terms of my lungs and the scarring and sensitivity it leaves behind. But as an example when I've been going out for coyotes lately I've been forcing myself to use the mouth calls on purpose as sort of a lung-function therapy of sorts. Quite on-purpose I can assure you. And it has been helping things get back on track faster.


Feb 5, 2019
Just don't go to Canada...Fail a covid test upon arrival and now you get a van ride to be locked up in a government facility.

You think I'm kidding.


Sep 9, 2020
RE: "Don't come crying to someone to save you."

Why not?
I guess just because that makes them a massive hypocrite, who helped destroy part of our society. Again, actions should always have consequences. If someone saves you from all the bad ones, no one ever grows. It's literally how you create entitled snowflakes. Give everyone a trophy, you're never wrong, no one loses, there are no consequences for your actions.


Sep 9, 2020
Just don't go to Canada...Fail a covid test upon arrival and now you get a van ride to be locked up in a government facility.

You think I'm kidding.
Australia is the same way. Police escort all the way to your designated facility. At least the food is good.


Jun 12, 2020
I guess just because that makes them a massive hypocrite, who helped destroy part of our society. Again, actions should always have consequences. If someone saves you from all the bad ones, no one ever grows. It's literally how you create entitled snowflakes. Give everyone a trophy, you're never wrong, no one loses, there are no consequences for your actions.
I get the consequences for actions part... that would be them *possibly* becoming sick and having to deal with that pain. I... a very cold-hearted individual.. was merely over here going "Dayum!..." at seeing you say something vindictive that likely even *I* wouldn't say. In essence, you just said "F*** 'em" if they then happen to get sick. Per you, that choice should disallow them from receiving medical care. You've never made an incorrect choice in YOUR life before? OR had to make a choice when you didn't have enough confirmed information? Geez. Hate to break it to ya, but that's unfortunately not how it works. As is evidence by the scads of illegals our hospitals are unfortunately forced to treat all the damn time.


Feb 10, 2013
According to actual data. We have over a 99.5% chance of NOT dying from the COVID-19 disease. Catching the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) does NOT mean one will get COVID-19 the disease which is what can be deadly for those with that have Chronic Illnesses. The overwhelming majority of people that catch the virus DO NOT get the disease. I know entire familes that have caught the virus and not had the disease. Also, some family members caught the virus and others in the same household did not. We're talking husband and wife sleeping in the same bed, etc. One gets the virus the other does not.

Yes, this is bad for some people. But, by and large we've been had.


Jul 2, 2016
Regardless, check on quarantine times. My brother was in AK over the summer filming and he and his entire team had to quarantine for 14 days. He was also tested 3 times. They were escorted by the sheriff from airport to hotel and could not stop along the way or leave the hotel for the entire time.
Therea re no sheriffs or sheriffs deputies in Alaska because there are no counties here. IT was probably a VPSO which is just a village safety officer.
Feb 24, 2012
The horror of people making extremely stupid choices and then having to live with them. I'm a fan of Darwin awards. Like all the people that died this summer denying covid even exists on their death bed. That's a Darwin award.
I want people to be free to make their own choices, but one also needs to suffer/succeed from the consequences of them, especially when their choices end up effecting so many.

Obviously that'll never happen, but should it, you'd have to exempt the immune-compromised and allergic, etc.
I lost a family member because of a vaccine. I saw first hand what a vaccine can do to a healthy person.

My grandpa was healthy 70 year old. He got the flu vaccine and within a few days he got sick and became completely paralyzed. He was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Which is linked to flu shots and potential side effect of the covid vaccine. Completely healthy to paralyzed and then dead.
So don’t knock people that want to avoid vaccines.

I’m a healthy young person who has 99% chance of survival against covid. Why would I want to get the vaccine??


Jan 9, 2020
I lost a family member because of a vaccine. I saw first hand what a vaccine can do to a healthy person.

My grandpa was healthy 70 year old. He got the flu vaccine and within a few days he got sick and became completely paralyzed. He was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Which is linked to flu shots and potential side effect of the covid vaccine. Completely healthy to paralyzed and then dead.
So don’t knock people that want to avoid vaccines.

I’m a healthy young person who has 99% chance of survival against covid. Why would I want to get the vaccine??
Damn, sorry about your Grandpa. I just heard from a hospice nurse about a patient who took the covid vaccine and died the next week. You won't see that in the news though. It is absolutely criminal how they suppress vaccine hazards. Now Biden has stated in his executive order that a main focus is to "combat vaccine hesitancy"

It's really unbelievable the trust that people put into the pharmaceutical companies. They fund the politicians, they fund the medical schools, THEY WANT YOU SICK so that you can buy their products from birth to death, and even better if the government robs it's people through taxation and pays out trillions of our of hard earned money to these criminals without our consent. Un-fing-believable that we have people here bragging about their "jabs" and suggesting it should be mandatory.


Sep 9, 2020
Is anyone reading this just laughing at what a complete boot licker and tool this @z987k is? OMG dude believe whatever you want. Take whatever shot they tell you to, let them shove it up your ass if that's what they say is good for you, but don't come in here with that self righteous bullshit and expect not to get called out on it.

The government lies all the time

They cooked the books on the covid #'s

The CDC, Fauci, and Bill Gates are not our friends.

This whole thing is about tracking, monitoring, and controlling the population at an unprecedented level.

Our medical "experts" are not to be trusted, we have one if the sickest nations in the world because of these pharmaceutical drugs and industrialized food.

When politicians, corporations, and celebrities all start pushing the same narrative over night your "truthdar" should be on red alert.

It must be tough to live in a world that out to get you.
Jul 20, 2019
Certain airlines may come up with policies that require vaccines to fly, similar to them requiring masks. It won’t make it into law, at least federally.


Sep 9, 2020
I get the consequences for actions part... that would be them *possibly* becoming sick and having to deal with that pain. I... a very cold-hearted individual.. was merely over here going "Dayum!..." at seeing you say something vindictive that likely even *I* wouldn't say. In essence, you just said "F*** 'em" if they then happen to get sick. Per you, that choice should disallow them from receiving medical care. You've never made an incorrect choice in YOUR life before? OR had to make a choice when you didn't have enough confirmed information? Geez. Hate to break it to ya, but that's unfortunately not how it works. As is evidence by the scads of illegals our hospitals are unfortunately forced to treat all the damn time.
I realize it's a very cold way to look at it. I don't see how it's vindictive. I don't want those people to die, what I'm aiming for is them not killing people. The best way to do that is to not treat the people that chose not to vaccinate. And well, choices. Besides, it has a 99.5% survival rating. What's anyone worried about?

It's simply protecting at risk people in hospitals, while opening up everything(which has to happen, and now) and still allowing everyone to have a choice. Maybe there could be separate place for people with covid to go, to keep them and the people that treat them away from immune compromised/at risk people in hospitals.

And of course I've made wrong and bad choices. Generally, I get to pay for that choice. If it hurts, you can bet I won't be making it again. That's how learning works. Sometimes in nature, which we do still exist in, a bad choice can lead to your death. Happens every day. It happens every day in the hospital when a Doctor tells a patient, you need to stop/start doing X or you'll die. They make no changes and die. We don't lose sleep over this.
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